AP19679103 Improving the methodological system of language teaching at the stage of digital transformation of education

AP19679103 Improving the methodological system of language teaching at the stage of digital transformation of education

AP19679103 Improving the methodological system of language teaching at the stage of digital transformation of education

Relevance. The main idea of the project is to create effective conditions for learning languages, teaching and educational environment based on digital resources.

Objective. Improving the quality of language training based on the development and implementation of effective teaching methods at the current stage of digital transformation of education

Expected results.During the research, a methodological system will be introduced for the development of lexical, grammatical, phonetic skills based on digital resources.

First and last names of research team members:

Project Manager: Kurebayeva Gulzhaukhar Akhmetovna

Research team membersMusatayeva I.S., Kulgildinova T.A., Kenzhigozhina K.S., Nauryzbayev B.
