The legal basis of inclusive education in Kazakhstan is United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in resolution 44/95 of 11/20/1989 and ratified in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1994. All participating states recognize that a mentally or physically disabled child should lead a full and dignified life, in conditions that ensure his dignity, promote his self-confidence and facilitate his active participation in society. In recognition of the special needs of a child with special educational needs, assistance is provided, if possible, free of charge, taking into account the financial resources of parents or other persons providing care for the child, and is aimed at providing such a child with effective access to services in the field of medical care, restoration of health, preparation for work and access to services.
On December 20, 1993, the UN General Assembly adopted the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, which in Kazakhstan is used as a methodological basis for the development of a regulatory framework for inclusive education. According to these Rules, states should recognize the principle of equal opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education for children, youth and adults with disabilities, as well as ensure that the education of persons with disabilities is an integral part of the general education system.
The Dakar Framework for Action: Education for All (Dakar, Senegal, 26-28.04.2000) was approved at the World Education Forum on creating a safe, healthy, inclusive learning environment favorable for successful learning and achieving clearly defined levels of academic achievement for all, with equitable provision of resources.
The university has more than 30 educational programs, according to which students have the opportunity to study by distance technology, in cases of their transfer for health reasons.
In 2015, the regulation on psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education was approved (R.13.01/2015), which is aimed at assisting in the assimilation of educational material by mentors at departments.
The university has a psychological office in the academic building No. 2, whose activities are aimed at supporting students with special educational needs.
Also, students can get advice on helplines in a round-the-clock format.
A commission has been established with the Vice-rector for Social Affairs and Educational Work on the consideration of cases of students with special needs to provide discounts for tuition in the amount of 25 to 100% or award a grant from the rector.
The list of educational programs for which distance learning technology is used
№ | Code of the educational program | Name of the educational program (in Russian) | Name of the educational program (in Kazakh) | Name of the educational program (in English) |
1 | 6В01101 | Педагогика и психология
| Педагогика және психология
| Pedagogy and psychology |
2 | 6В01302 | Педагогика и методика начального обучения | Бастауыш оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі
| Pedagogy and methodology of primary education |
3 | 6В01403 | Начальная военная подготовка | Алғашқы әскери дайындық | Initial military preparation |
4 | 6В01404 | Физическая культура и спорт | Дене шынықтыру және спорт | Physical education and sport |
5 | 6В01505 | География | География | Geography |
6 | 6В01606 | История | Тарих | History |
7 | 6В01707 | Казахский язык и литература | Қазақ тілі және әдебиеті | Kazakh language and literature |
8 | 6В01708 | Английский язык с дополнительным изучением второго иностранного языка (немецкий, турецкий) | Ағылшын тілі екінші шет тілін қосымша оқытумен (неміс, түрік) | English language with an additional learning of the second foreign language (German, Turkish) |
9 | 6В01509 | Химия- Биология | Химия - Биология | Chemistry-Biology |
10 | 6В01510 | География и история | География және тарих | Geography and history |
11 | 6В02111 | Графический дизайн | Графикалық дизайн
| Graphic design |
12 | 6В02212 | Отечественная и всемирная история | Отандық және әлемдік тарих | Domestic and world history |
13 | 6В02313 | Казахская филология | Қазақ филологиясы | Kazakh philology |
14 | 6В02314 | Русская филология | Орыс филологиясы | Russian philology |
15 | 6В03115 | Психология | Психология | Psychology |
16 | 6В04116 | Экономика | Экономика | Economics |
17 | 6В04117 | Учет и аудит | Есеп және аудит | Accounting and audit |
18 | 6В04118 | Финансы | Қаржы | Finance |
19 | 6В04119 | Государственное и местное управление | Мемлекеттік және жергілікті басқару | Public and local management |
20 | 6В04220 | Юриспруденция | Құқықтану | Jurisprudence |
21 | 6В06122 | Информатика | Информатика | Informatics |
22 | 6В06123 | IT в здравоохранении | Денсаулық сақтаудағы IT | IT in healthcare |
23 | 6В06124 | Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение | Есептеу техникасы және бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету
| Computer engineering and software |
24 | 6В07125 | Электроэнергетика | Электроэнергетика | Electroenergy |
25 | 6В07326 | Промышленное и гражданское строительство | Өнеркәсіптік және азаматтық құрылыс
| Industrial and civil engineering |
26 | 6В07527 | Стандартизация, сертификация и метрология в строительстве
| Құрылыстағы стандарттау, сертификаттау және метрология
| Standardization, certification and metrology in construction
27 | 6В10228 | Социальная работа | Әлеуметтік жұмыс | Social work |
28 | 6В11329 | Организация перевозок, движения и эксплуатация транспорта | Көлікті пайдалану және жүк қозғалысы мен тасымалдауды ұйымдастыру | Organization of transportations, movement and exploitation of transport |
29 | 6В12330 | Правоохранительная деятельность | Құқық қорғау қызметі
| Law enforcement |
30 | 6В03131 | Политология | Саясаттану | Politology |
31 | 6В01732 | Русский язык и литература в школах с нерусским языком обучения | Орыс тілінде оқытпайтын мектептердегі орыс тілі мен әдебиеті | Russian language and literature in non-Russian language schools |