Director of the Center – Aitova Zhanar Zhumabekovna – istorik, alashoved.
Address: Semey, ul. Mangilik el 11, office 26.
Tel.: +7 (7222) 42-32-24
Scientific Research Center "Alashtanu" - structural training of the University"Alikhan Bokeikhan University".
The main purpose of the research center "Alashtanu" is to study the current pages of domestic history of the XX century, especially the fundamental problems of the movement of Alash, the public and political activities of Alash, and the study of Alash's legacy in a new direction.
The scientific research center is headed by the instructions and initiatives of the head of state programs on history, culture and spiritual values ("sacred geography of Kazakhstan"," Archive-2025"," seven faces of the Great Steppe"," independence of the road to everything " and doctor.).
Scientific Research Center "Alashtanu" describes the following areas of development:
1. scientific and research direction
2. educational areas
3. promising areas
The main priority topics in the direction of scientific research are the problems of the history of the XX century, the movement of Alash, the life and activities of Alash activists and the actual problems of alashovedeniya. Within the framework of this direction of scientific research work, the Center defines the following issues:
1. Study of life and activities of Alasha's employees, who are known, but not studied before the end; of political processes in 1917-1920. (Civil war, government of Alashor);
3. conducting research work together with the state commission for full rehabilitation of victims of political repression of the XX century;
4. Ethnoarchaeological studies, restoration works (mainly, restoration of native places and winter activities of Alash activists, Alash activists, transformation in ethnotourism);
5. restoration of the history of old buildings in the city of Alash;
6. establishment of links with research centers, institutions of domestic and local governments;
7. continue work on the "library of the city of Alash" series and release all books from the center within the framework of this series;
8. Annual Scientific and practical conference "Alikhan Bukeikhan readings".
As part of the educational direction, the scientific center should influence the University's educational process from the point of view of subsequent issues:
1. Introduction to the educational program of the University Special course "Alashtanu";
2. proposal on the topic "movement of Alash" in the quality of dissertation research work of undergraduates and doctoral students;
3.Approval of the nits "Alashtanu" in the quality of the base for passing scientific practice by students and undergraduates.
Scientific center pays attention to the following issues in the public direction:
1. Organization of historical excursions to buildings related to employees of Alash City of Semey;
2. Organization of meetings with prominent scientists and historians;
3.reading lectures to students and students on the problem of Alash.
Basic labor centers:
1. Erlan Sydykov. History of the city of Alash. Research. - Semey, 2010, - 214 pages.
2. Alash City. "I'm sorry," he said. E. Sydykov, V. Kashlyak (Members). / Semey. 2010. - 366 STR.
3. Sydykov E. B. (producer) the hungry. "I'm sorry," he said. / Semipalatinsk, 2010. - 693 STR.
4. E. B. Sydykov, M. P. Malysheva. SIBERIA AND KAZAKHSTAN. (National and territorial distribution of Siberia and Kazakhstan. 1919-1922 GG.). / Semipalatinsk, 2010. - 393 STR.
5. Eastern separation of the Government of Alashor. "I'm sorry," he said. / Semey, 2010. -425 STR.
6. Sydykov E. B., Russian-Kazakh relations at the stage of becoming a totalitarian super-ethnic power. Monograph. Semey, 2010. - 298 STR.
7.problems of Alash studies. Serial scientific collection. Vol.1 - Semey: "cognition", 2010, - 420 pages.