Compliance Officer

Compliance Officer - an official who supervises the internal system of implementation of legal requirements and monitors their fulfillment. He reports directly to the President of the University.
Compliance Officer carries out his/her activities in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative documents of the University.
Functions of a compliance officer:
To perform tasks, the compliance officer is entrusted with the following functions:
- Development of internal documents on issues of combating corruption in the Company;
- Development and updating of standards and policies in the field of anti-corruption compliance;
- Making proposals to change existing or cancel internal documents of the Company that are inconsistent with the anti-corruption policy;
- Carrying out explanatory activities on the issues of combating corruption and the formation of an anti-corruption culture;
- Taking measures to identify, monitor and resolve conflicts of interest;
- Monitoring compliance by employees of a quasi-public sector entity belonging to the category of persons equated to persons authorized to perform state functions, anti-corruption restrictions in accordance with the law;
- Control over the observance by the employees of the Company of anti-corruption legislation, including internal documents of the company aimed at the formation of an anti-corruption culture and academic honesty;
- Conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks with the involvement of representatives of civil and business community institutions;
- Ensuring public disclosure of information on the results of the internal analysis of corruption risks;
- Conducting internal audits based on applications (complaints) about facts of corruption and/or participation in them;
- Coordination of work to reduce corruption risks in the activities of a subject of the quasi-public sector;
- Rendering assistance to the authorized body for combating corruption in conducting an external analysis of corruption risks in the activities of the Company;
- Monitoring and analysis of changes in anti-corruption legislation, judicial practice in cases related to corruption.
- Organization of the interaction of the Company with interested state bodies, public organizations to form the principles of integrity and anti-corruption culture;
- Preparation of an annual report on the measures taken to prevent corruption for the Board of Directors;
- Preparation of an annual report on the measures taken to prevent corruption for the Sole Shareholder.