Information about faculty

Information about faculty


Dean of the Faculty of Law "Alikhan Bukeikhan University" Karazhanov Malik Bulatovich, Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty "Jurisprudence" (PhD), associate professor of the University
Abaya str. 94, office 2
+7(7222) 52-52-26
Corporate mail of the faculty:
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Korganbaeva Yerkesh Aidosovna
Deputy Dean for Educational Work
Saidullayev Yernar Askarovich
Zhunusova Kalamkas Sadvakasova, methodologist of the faculty

Educational programs

At the Faculty of Law, education is conducted in the state and Russian languages according to educational programs:
Bachelor course
• 6В04220 – Jurisprudence
• 6В12330 – Law enforcement activities
• 6В04222 «Investigative and prosecutorial activities»
• 6В04201 «Public service and the judicial system»
7М04218- Actual problems of law (profile);
7М04208- Actual problems of law (scientific and pedagogical)
7M04228 Medical law
7M04238 Legal regulation of healthcare in the Republic of Kazakhstan
7M04201 Scientific foundations of social law
Doctoral studies 
8D04208 «Modern trends in the development of Kazakh law».

Material and technical base

Classrooms No. 1 are the educational premises of the building, which is a means of implementing a professional training program for OP specialists, providing optimal conditions for improving the level of education of students and the development of methodological creativity of teachers.
Multimedia equipment of the study room allows for effective teaching of disciplines with all the variety of methodological techniques, pedagogical interests of teachers and meet the requirements of higher education. 
In the study room No. 6 - there is a teacher's desk with a computer and centralized control of an interactive whiteboard, projector, sound design. Secondly, the main jobs of students. Thirdly, the zone of interactive information search or knowledge control.  
The school of integrity. In 2019, an office of integrity was opened at the Faculty of Law. The cabinet conducts targeted training of young representatives of the anti-corruption movement of a new formation, an anti-corruption model of behavior among young people, the formation of integrity and academic integrity at the university. 
Courtroom. The courtroom is equipped with all modern technical means: a computer for the presiding judge, and a laptop for the secretary of the court session, a multimedia system for presenting audio and video evidence (TV, audio speakers). 
 SIC "Actual problems of jurisprudence". The Center carries out organizational and coordinating activities in the research direction of the development of the university unit on the basis of a long-term research plan approved by the Academic Council.
    Laboratory of pre-trial investigation in criminal cases - this is a specialized room equipped for conducting classes in disciplines, the content of which provides for conducting forensic research in the framework of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases, and contributes to the formation of students' professional skills and abilities in conducting certain types of operational investigative actions, forensic and scientific research.
The forensic Laboratory was created in order to strengthen the practical component within the framework of the educational process at the Faculty of Law.
In the arsenal of the "Forensic Laboratory" there are training computer programs: "Virtual inspection of the scene", "Portrait examination", for the disciplines of Criminology and Forensic examination.  

Educational work

Educational work at the faculty is carried out by all teachers. Conversations are held with students on the topic of strengthening academic discipline, discussing the results of examination sessions, conducting conversations and round tables on topical legal, ethical problems, problems of domestic and foreign policy of the country, conversations on moral, patriotic, aesthetic education.
The faculty has created all conditions for the realization of the creative potential of students. Student scientific circles work at the departments. Students of the faculty take an active part in scientific and practical conferences held annually at the university, as well as in republican and regional conferences, Olympiads, competitions.
Our students are able not only to study well, but also to live a full, interesting student life. They develop the institute of student Self-government (a Student Committee was established in 2019), play KVN, participate in university sports events, organize festive concerts and charity events.
At the Faculty of Law there is a Public Association of Young Lawyers, a legal clinic (provides free legal advice to the population).

