Information about the Department

Information about the Department

Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines


Head of the Department – Aman Kapanovich Rakhmetullin, Candidate of Historical Sciences 

Contact details of the head of the department:

Department address: 44 Schmidt Street, 

Phone of the department: +7 - 7222 - 77-34-62 

E-mail of the head of the department:

E-mail of the department:

Brief information

The main areas of work of the department: training of students of all faculties of the university in the main block of general education disciplines (Political Science, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies); training of highly qualified specialists of the OP "Social Work", "Political Science", proficient in the basics of pedagogical, research work, able to solve professional tasks in accordance with the necessary types of professional activity, formation of competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

Educational programs

Bachelor's degree programs of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities:

Terms of study:

on the basis of secondary school – 4 years

on the basis of SSO – 2 years 8 months

BB – 2 years

Bachelor's degree:

6B10233 "Social work in the field of healthcare"

Educational programs of postgraduate education:

Material and technical base

The department has: specialized classrooms, which are equipped with technical means (interactive panel, laptop, interactive whiteboard, etc.).

specialized, multimedia classrooms, where both lectures and practical classes are held.

There is a library in which the departments are located: 

- subscription;

- a common reading room with 100 seats;

- science hall;

- media library hall for 25 seats;

- periodicals hall with 40 seats;

- a reading room in the dormitory with 20 seats. 

International cooperation

International cooperation of the department is carried out on the basis of agreements concluded by the university with foreign partner universities. The department has two contracts:

- Bachelor's and Master's Degree Cooperation Agreement with Altai State University (ASU), 

- Agreement on cooperation in bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies with Kemerovo State University (KemSU).

Scientific work

Research work of the teaching staff:

Research work at the department is carried out in accordance with the main directions of the strategic development plan of the university.

Scientific articles are published in international and domestic journals, including CCSON publications, and journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases. 

Research work of students of the department: 

Students of the department take an active part in the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference of ABU and publish their articles in the collection of materials. 

Teaching staff

TS - 9                                                                                                                                                   

Doctor of Science PhD - 1

Candidate of Sciences – 2

Ch. teachers 8

Teachers – 1

Professional development of teaching staff

In 2021, 7.12-24.12 Associate Professor at the University of Calgary (Canada) Yesenova Saulesh Bakhytovna conducted courses for teaching staff of the ISGN Department on "Methodology of anthropological research" on the basis of the educational institution "Alikhan Bokeikhan University". Following the results of the seminar and lectures, the faculty of the department received certificates: "The hybrid professional development course "Current trends in historical and anthropological research" (72 academic hours).


Teachers of the department actively participate in various competitions and international projects..

Diplomas of akim of Semey were received by Candidate of I.N. Rakhmetullin A.M., senior lecturer Nogaeva N.M.

The teaching staff of the SGN department systematically cooperate with media representatives: they appear on television, publish articles in regional and city newspapers, invite correspondents of newspapers and television to various events to cover them in the media. For example, teachers of the department Ph.D. Tuyebaev M.M., Ph.D. Rakhmetullin A.K. regularly appear in programs, TV channels of the city, as well as in front of the public of the city

Employment of graduates

Graduates of the ISGN department have the opportunity to continue their education according to the educational programs of postgraduate education. For example, by 

according to the OP "Social Work", 85.0% were employed in 2018, 76% in 2019, 57.8% in 2020. 

Educational work 

The system of student self-government is implemented through such organizations as: the team "Enactus ABU", the creative group "Urker", "Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan", the public foundation "Commonwealth of Young Lawyers", "Union of KVN ABU", the debate club "Everest", the charity organization "Ak Niet", "Business incubator".

 List of teaching staff of the department