Iskakova Marjan Orazhalievna


Humanities faculty of the Kazakh Humanitarian Juridical Innovative University established since January 30, 2004 (order number 70 dated 30.01.04).

Faculty of Humanities trains for colleges, schools, vocational schools for several teaching professions and social work professionals. Education at the faculty are highly qualified professionals in the field of socio - humanitarian, psychological - Pedagogical Sciences in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Training is carried out by full-time and correspondence courses.

Deans of the Faculty of Humanities were D.Sc.. Uranhaeva Gulmira Telmanovna, Ph.D. Alina Gulshat Muratovna, Ph.D. Slambekova Tolkyn Slamkulovna, Ph.D. Mukazhanova Raushan Murathanovna, Ph.D. Tulebaev Kuralaj Toktarovna.

Since 2013, Dean of the Faculty appointed doctor of philological sciences, holder of the title of the MES "The best teacher of the university 2012" Seyіtova Shynar Botaykyzy. In 2009, S.B. Seyіtova marked MES awards RK "For contribution to the development of science of RK" and "Shakarim", is the author of three monographs and more than 60 scientific articles. The main directions of its research work - ethnolinguistics, cultural linguistics.

The list of specialties, which are being prepared at the Faculty:


5B010200 Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education;

5B010300 Pedagogy and Psychology;

5B011400 History;

5B011600 Geography;

5B011700 Kazakh language and literature;

5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages;

5B020300 History;

5B020500 Philology;

5B090500 Social work

5B050200 Politics


6B020500 Philology: Kazakh Philology

6M020500 Philology: foreign philology

6M020500 Philology: Russian philology

Masters majoring 6M011400 "History" was opened in 2013-2014.

The teaching process at the faculty carries out highly qualified teaching staff with academic degrees and long standing high school work. PPS GF takes an active part in the development of an innovative system of training a new generation of professionals and innovative master's degree programs in the field of philology.


Currently, the faculty of the Department 3: (Department of social -gumanitarnyh Sciences, Department of Philology and the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology).

The educational process is carried out 98 full-time teachers, including professors, -10, 8 doctors, 20 candidates of sciences. The faculty of the departments of the faculty is actively working to improve the educational process, improving the quality of education, assistance in organizing and carrying out basic scientific research.


The faculty has scientific relations with leading universities and research centers in Turkey: Denizli, Pamukkale University, Istanbul Marmara University and Russia.

Academic exchanges are implemented in accordance with the existing agreements between the University and partner universities, agreements with international organizations, foundations and other organizations.


- Computer classes - (academic building № 3, aud.23,24) The faculty are two computer labs. Here, classes in all disciplines, carried out with the use of ICT.

- Cabinet psychological relief (educational building №3, aud.38)

In accordance with the JI requirements of all students and undergraduates of the Faculty provide a place of passage educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice.


The faculty annually organizational activities (seminars, trainings, workshops, job fairs, career days, presentations of employers' organizations, etc.) that contribute to the successful employment of university graduates. As a result of the discussion of theoretical and practical approaches to the preparation of competitive specialists on such "round tables", such as: "Actual problems of vocational training and employment of graduates: state and development prospects", "Professional competence of graduates of pedagogical skills", etc. new disciplines were introduced as elective courses as a condition for the preparation of a competent professional in view of the request of the market and the expectations of potential employers.


Head of Department
Mursulim Gulnur Orazbekkyzy


Head of the Department
Sultanova Nurgul Kamilevna


Pedagogy and Psychology department was founded in 2003. Since 2007 the department is headed by Ph.D. FD Izbasarova.

For 10 years, operates branch of the department on the basis of KSU converged №38. PPS department provides technical assistance to primary school teachers, conducting joint seminars, takes part in metodobedinenii primary school teachers. Concluded an agreement on joint scientific research with KSU School №42 with boarding schools and MSPE nursery garden "Aigolek" for the study of children with mental retardation, integrated in the educational environment. Yearly seminars to discuss the results of research.

A program of academic mobility. Senior lecturer PhD Kundakova AB and Master Imanbekova GB read lectures in Innovative Eurasian University of Pavlodar city. For the specialties of the department "Pedagogy and Psychology" course of lectures was read Kolmogorova LS Ph.D. from the Altai State Pedagogical University and Kravtsova, TM k.ps.n. of Pavlodar Innovative University of Eurasia.

Each year, students in the department are involved in research work, win prizes: Marchenko N. took 1st place in the international conference held in Barnaul; M. Kravchenko took the 3rd place, making a presentation at an international conference in Almaty; Ryspekova D. took 1st place in the international scientific-theoretical conference in Karaganda; Kuttubaeva A. took the 3rd place in the international scientific conference held in University. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; A. Toyshibekova took 2nd place in the international scientific student conference, held at SSU. Shakarim.

On three undergraduate specialties trained 373 students and one graduate specialty trained 101 master's degree.

The department trains specialists in bachelor 3 full-time and part-time offices and 1 specialty Magistracy:

5B 010200 Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education;

5B010300 Pedagogy and Psychology;

5B050300 "Psychology";

6M010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology".


The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was founded in 2003.

The department prepares specialists in 3 educational full-time and part-time bachelor programs and 1 educational program of master’s and doctoral degrees:

6В01302 «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education»;

6В01101 «Pedagogy and psychology»;

6В03115 «Psychology»;

7М01101 «Pedagogy and psychology»

8D01101 «Pedagogy and psychology»

Specialty: 6В01302 « Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» Profile subjects of the specialty: Biology; Geography.

Qualification: - Bachelor of Education in the specialty of “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”. Objects of the production practice: secondary schools.

Expected place of work: - educational institutions (primary level of secondary school).

Specialty: 6В01101 «Pedagogy and psychology»

Profile subjects of the specialty: Biology; Geography.

Qualification: Bachelor of Education in the specialty "Pedagogy and psychology". Objects of the production practice: - Kindergartens; - General education schools; - Colleges; - Psychiatric dispensary; - Non-governmental organizations.

Expected place of work:

- preschool organizations of all types (kindergartens, nursery schools);

- general education schools, including lyceums, gymnasiums, small schools, sanatorium schools, sports schools, orphanages;

- special remedial organizations (boarding schools, classes for children and adolescents with physical or mental disabilities);

- providing psychological aid and counseling to subjects of various social spheres (orphanages, nursing homes, military units, law enforcement agencies, political and public organizations).

Specialty: 6В03115 «Psychology»

Profile subjects of the specialty: Biology; Geography.

Qualification: - Bachelor of Social Knowledge in the specialty of psychology. Objects of the production practice:

- nursery schools; - general education schools;

- colleges; - psychiatric dispensary;

- family medical clinics (FMC).

Expected place of work:

- psychologist at the centers of public opinion research;

- psychologist in manufacturing enterprises (HR manager);

- psychologist in sports organizations;

- psychologist in medical organizations and health care institutions;

- psychologist in law enforcement organizations and penitentiary institutions, rehabilitation and social adaptation centers for pedagogically neglected adolescents;

Specialty: 7М01101 «Pedagogy and psychology»

Profile subjects of the specialty: English;

Profile disciplines (pedagogy and psychology)


- Master of pedagogical sciences.

Objects of the production practice:

- Universities;

- Internship (foreign).

Expected place of work:

- preschool organizations of all types (kindergartens, nursery schools);

- general education schools, including schools-lyceums, gymnasiums, small schools, sanatorium schools, sports schools, orphanages;

- special remedial organizations (boarding schools, remedial classes for children and adolescents with physical or mental disabilities);

- providing psychological aid and counseling to subjects of various social spheres (orphanages, nursing homes, military units, law enforcement agencies, political and public organizations);

- specialized secondary educational institutions (colleges)

- higher education institutions (Universities).

Specialty: 8D01101 «Pedagogy and psychology»

Profile subjects of the specialty: English;

Profile disciplines (pedagogy and psychology)


- Doctoral Degree in Philosophy (phd)

Objects of the production practice:

- Universities;

- Internship (foreign).


Head of the Dpeartment
Bolatova Kalamkas Bolatovna


Department of History and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines operates since 2008 academic year. The department was formed on the basis of two specialties: history and geography. Teachers of the department conduct classes on "Modern History of Kazakhstan" for students of all educational programs of the university.

The department prepares specialists in 5 educational programs:

5В011400 «History» - bachelor program

5В020300 «History» - bachelor program

5В011600 «Geography» - bachelor program

5В012900 «Geography and history» - bachelor program

5В090500 «Social work»

6М011400 «History» - master program

6D011400 «History» - doctoral program
