


Studying at the law faculty of ABU is prestigious, it is the key to high-quality professional training.

The Law Faculty of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University is preparing highly qualified legal personnel that are in demand not only in the region, but also in the republic.

Since 1998, the faculty functioned as a structural unit of the Kazakh State Law University, which in 2000 was reorganized into the Kazakh State Law Academy, and in 2002 into the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University.

Since 2007, the Faculty of Law is one of the 3 faculties of ABU.

The activity of ABU, the leading university of the republic, the structural unit of which the faculty has been for 20 years, has borne fruit.

A high level of training of lawyers is provided by a team of highly qualified teachers.

The faculty of law has 3 departments: criminal law disciplines, civil law disciplines, state legal disciplines.

In the educational process, the following facilities are actively used: courtroom, computer classes with application programs and Internet access;

Laboratory of pre-trial investigation, including: "Sector of Pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases in electronic format", "Sector of the use of special equipment for the production of investigative actions", "Sector of tactics of production of investigative actions using an electronic model of pre-trial investigation", Forensic Laboratory, including: "Forensic photography", "Technical and forensic study of documents", "Forensic modeling and forecasting in the process of investigating criminal offenses".

The faculty has all the conditions for the realization of the creative potential of students. The departments have student scientific circles. Students of the faculty take an active part in scientific and practical conferences held annually at the university, as well as in national and regional conferences, Olympiads, competitions.

Our students are able not only to study well, but also to live a full, interesting student life. They develop the institute of student self-government (the Student Committee was established in 2019), play in KVN, participate in sports events of the university, organize festive concerts and charity events.

At the Faculty of Law, there are the Commonwealth of Young Lawyers, a legal clinic (provides free legal advice to the population).

Over 15 thousand lawyers have graduated from the faculty in 20 years. They are in demand in the labor market and successfully work in central and local authorities, law enforcement agencies, in many firms and companies, including foreign ones.

In order to promote international recognition of academic titles and degrees, ensuring the academic mobility of students, teachers, researchers, the transition to a three-tier system of education (bachelor – master - doctorate).

By the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the 2008-2009 academic year, the University opened a master's degree in the specialty 6M030100 Jurisprudence.

In the 2010-2011 academic year - PhD degree in the specialty 6D030100 Jurisprudence.

At the Faculty of Law, training is conducted in the state and Russian languages according to educational programs:

Bachelor's Degree Program

  • 6B04220-Jurisprudence
  • 6B12330-Law enforcement activities

Master's degree programs

7M04218-Actual problems of law (profile);

7M04208-Actual problems of law (scientific and pedagogical)

PhD doctoral program 8D04208 «Modern trends in the development of Kazakhstan law».

 Educational program 6В04220-Jurisprudence

Professional activity

Protection, security, guarantee of observance of the legal rights and interests of the state, individuals and legal entities arising in the legal sphere.

Objects of professional activity:

- law enforcement agencies;

- judicial, executive and representative bodies of state power and administration;

- state and non-state enterprises

- advocacy;

- banks;

- insurance and audit companies

Types of professional activity

Bachelors in educational program 6В04220 - Law can perform the following professional activities:

- organizational and managerial activities in government bodies and institutions;

- law enforcement in the internal affairs bodies, financial police, national security, prosecutors, judicial institutions and so on;

- educational or pedagogical activity in secondary specialized educational institutions.

Typical tasks of professional activity

- increasing the effectiveness of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

- protection and support of entrepreneurial activity;

- crime prevention;

Educational program 6В12330-Law enforcement

Professional activity

Law enforcement activities aimed at the prevention, investigation and disclosure of offenses, ensuring the rule of law and order, the fight against crime and other offenses.

Objects of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of graduates are law enforcement and judicial bodies, general and secondary vocational educational institutions.

Types of professional activity

Bachelors in educational program 6В12330 - Law enforcement can carry out the following professional activities:

- certain types of law enforcement practice: investigative, investigative-criminalistic, investigative-economic, operational-investigative, operational-economic, operational-criminalistic, administrative-legal, criminal-executive, advocate, expert, notarial;

- teaching activities in general and secondary vocational schools.

Typical tasks of professional activity

- protection of human and civil rights;

- protection and support of entrepreneurial and other activities not contradicting the legislation;

- crime prevention;

- Strengthening law and order.

 Specialty of the magistracy 7M04218-Actual problems of law (profile); 7M04208-Actual problems of law (scientific and pedagogical)

The training of specialists in the magistracy is carried out in two directions:

- profile (master of law)

- scientific and pedagogical (master of law)

The objects of professional activity of graduate students are:

in specialized training - law enforcement agencies, executive, representative and judicial bodies of state power, lawyers, banks, insurance and audit companies, state and non-governmental organizations;

in scientific and pedagogical training - the above objects, as well as research organizations, higher education institutions.

The Master of Law can work as:

- investigator and senior investigator, prosecutor, judge, inspector, bailiff;

- lawyer and head of legal advice;

- notary public;

- expert;

- The head and specialist of the legal, organizational, analytical and personnel departments in state and non-state bodies and institutions;

- lawyer in state and non-governmental organizations;

The Master of Laws can work as:

- Researcher, leading specialist in research institutes, state and non-governmental organizations;

- Lecturer, senior lecturer at universities.

Types of professional activity

Graduates in the specialty can perform the following professional activities: administrative and administrative, expert advisory, legal, organizational and managerial, as well as scientific and pedagogical training - pedagogical, organizational and methodological activities.

Training Dates

The standard duration of mastering the educational program of a magistracy, depending on the direction and previous training, is: profile - 1 year, scientific and pedagogical - 2 years.

Graduates who have successfully mastered the educational master's programs are prepared for training in doctoral studies.

Requirements for the level of preparation of applicants

Applicants must have a state document of the appropriate level of higher education.

Admission to the magistracy is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of passing entrance exams in accordance with the Model Rules for admission to the magistracy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Doctoral PhD specialty 6D030100 "Law"

In order to improve the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, as well as the modernization of postgraduate education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, starting in 2010, at the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University, the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out on the basis of the Law Faculty - Dr. PhD.

Doctoral PhD KazGUIU, provides training for doctoral students in the scientific and pedagogical direction, the term of study is 3 years.

Doctoral studies implements an educational and professional program of higher scientific and pedagogical education in the field of specialties, with professional specialization:

The doctoral education program (doctoral programs) is a continuously updated educational and research complex that determines the trajectory of the doctoral student and ends with the successful defense of the dissertation.

The first two years of study in doctoral PhD doctoral students undergo compulsory theoretical training and are engaged in research work. At the end of each semester, they are required to pass an interim certification and report on their research work as part of a dissertation research. In the third year of study, they are fully engaged in writing a dissertation and preparing for public defense. Each PhD doctoral student has two mentors-managers: domestic and foreign scientific leaders.




Head of the Department


Tastekeev Kulbaevich Kairat headed by the Department of State and legal disciplines of faculty of law of Kazakh State University. Tastekeev KK It has more than 50 articles published in the materials of the various regional and international conferences, 1 textbook, 3 manuals and 1 monograph.

Teaching staff: today at the department carried out 30 career teachers providing instruction tsivilisticheskoy cycle disciplines (constitutional law of Kazakhstan, Roman law, public international law, theory of state and law, etc.). Teachers of the department use a variety of teaching methods aimed at increasing mental activity of students, improve self-search of new knowledge, creative application of theoretical knowledge. For this purpose, teachers use a variety of teaching methods: work in small groups, "brainstorming", presentation order of sections, demonstration of educational films, the solution of creative tasks and assignments. Conducts classes with technical training and online resources: the use of slides, online minilektsy, reconstructions of different situations related to the themes of employment. Under the guidance of teachers of the department conducted an intensive research and development, training and educational work, the result of which is the active participation of university students in national and international conferences, round tables and scientific seminars, debates and artistic parades. The total amount of outstanding scientific research and methodical works of the department - 86.15 pp

In 2007, BR Sergazinovu decision of MES awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Law. Sergazin BR passed scientific training in the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (Moscow, 2008)., in the framework of international cooperation program made a report at a scientific seminar in the Constitutional Council of France (Paris, 2009)., in Milan (Italy, 2009).

The department operated scientific and student circles "Young Civil Servant" and "legists". The works of students, written under the guidance of teachers of the department awarded diplomas at the Olympiads national and international levels.

Every year, according to the Department of R & D plan are held round tables on topical legal issues, to engage with some of the representatives of government agencies, foreign scientists, such as the Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), the Party School of the Communist Party of China (Beijing, China). The department also operates scientific seminar. In the development of scientific and methodological seminar of the department meetings GosPD plan took into account modern requirements being introduced in higher education teaching methods, as well as the specifics of credit technology: "The forms of activization of informative activity of students"; "Educational and methodological support of educational and pedagogical practice of masters"; "The use of interactive teaching methods in the teaching of legal disciplines"; "Қarzhy құқyғy pәnің oқytuda dәrіs sabaқtaryn өtkіzu erekshelіkterі"; "Rome құқyғyn" oқytu әdіstemesі "; "Competence of the modern teacher: problems of perfection." As staff of the department annually conducts round tables with the participation of students on current topics, such as: "Actual problems of formation at the present stage the mechanism of protection of citizens' rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Problems of constitutional reform at the present stage" and others.

Students in the department GosPD the Faculty of Law of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University are teaching and study and field trips according to contracts concluded with institutions. By takimm institutions include the Municipal Court of Semey, specialized administrative court of Semey, Semey State Justice Department, Regional Department on execution of administrative fines and sentences Court of DU Semey EKR, Semey transport prosecutor's office, PDA ATC Semey DVD EKR, state revenue Office of Semey, GKP "Vodokanal Families" state Ltd, "Magnus", EKR Urjar District court, as well as the law firm K.M. Tursumbekova.

In the future, the university plans to sign agreements with Customs Committee and the center of Semey city public services in order to enhance the practical field of research students for writing dissertations.



Head of the Department


The department has scientific-student circles, both on the academic disciplines taught and on the problematic issues of qualification of criminal offenses and pre-trial investigation of criminal cases.

The Department conducts scientific and practical seminars with the practical staff of the prosecution, internal affairs, the committee of the criminal executive system, with institutions of higher education, where there is a faculty of law, etc.

The department organizes educational and introductory and educational-professional (industrial) practice in Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral programs with those bodies and institutions with which agreements have been signed, for example, prosecutors, courts, the Department of Internal Affairs, as well as by agreement and at will of students themselves in other organizations and institutions, for example, legal departments, notariat, Bar Association, Military Prosecutor's Office, Military Investigation Department of the MIA RK, etc. The students were trained in the law enforcement and legal structures of districts and other cities of the region and the Republic of Kazakhstan.



Head of the Department
Flyura Galimovna Ibragimova


At the Department of Civil Law Disciplines carried career teachers providing instruction cycle tsivilisticheskoy disciplines: civil law and procedure, family, labor, housing, Roman law, intellectual property law, international private law and others.

In recent years, the department joined the talented young teachers having academic degree Master of Laws, which pass on their knowledge and experience of the older generation.

GPA The department was organized in 2002 after the division of the department of legal disciplines.

For the Department contained the following educational disciplines: Civil law (general and special part); Civil Procedure Law, Notary, Law, Land Law, Labor and Employment Law, Labor disputes, Audit Law, Environmental Law, Legal Regulation gosudarsvetnnyh procurement, Commercial and Business Law, Real Estate Law, International Private Law, Business Law, Family Law, and others.

The department GPA developed and introduced new courses teaching process, for daytime, evening, distance learning: Intellectual property rights, contracts in the field of the paid services, Property Law, Labor disputes, Information Law, Current problems of labor law, Actual problems of civil and civil procedural law, Inheritance Law and the hereditary process, etc.

Innovative processes in education, transition to a new educational paradigm and implementation of the national model determine the importance of the problem of student-centered learning and the need to rethink the design of forms of the educational process as a management student's cognitive activity. This, in turn, determines the need for technologies that take into account the individual characteristics of students and carry out multilevel training. The organization of educational process at the department due to the GPA under the credit system of training taking into account the quality of the teaching staff of the department of educational services to meet the university requirements for manufactured specifically to ensure the prospects of their demand on the labor market. development and use of modern educational technologies, influencing the increase of Learning learners, staff of the department participated in workshops on innovative technologies and best practices in higher education, control of introduced technology and the effectiveness of techniques; improving the quality of educational-methodical and information security: security literature, the publication of educational and teaching aids teaching staff of the department, development and creation of high-quality teaching materials on the subjects.

As one of the recognized research centers, the Department does not lose connection with the practice. Department of Representatives consistently work in scientific advisory councils under local executive bodies, public associations, non-governmental organizations, the media and others. Confirmation of the high authority of the department are the treatment of various organizations and individuals to provide advice on the most complex issues of practical application of civil, housing, family, labor legislation.

The department is working on a research theme "Actual problems of civil law" carried out in the framework of the scientific research center of the object of study, which are "mechanisms guarantee the implementation and protection of rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the 2050 Strategy" - the number of state. registration in the Committee of Science MES 0003RN00311 from 03.05.2013g.

PPS department organized and conducted Rabo scientific teoretichesy seminar on "Discussion of the draft Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Discussion of the draft he Citizens protsessuualnogo Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Legal regulation of the bankruptcy proceedings", as educational and methodological seminar on the topic was held "State support and encouraging corporate employees "," Ensuring the integration of education, science and industry, the creation of conditions of commercialization of intellectual property products and technologies. "

As teachers of the department participated in the International nachuno-practical conference "The development of e-democracy in Russia", October 30, 2015 Altai Academy of Economics and Law (Barnaul) - JK Karazhanova Families қalasy, Halyқaralyқ ғylymi-tәzhіribelіk conference "Ulttyk philosophy zhane Zhana dүnietanymdyқ paradigmalar", 14-15 april 2015 w.

3 monographs have been published.

  1. "Legal reguliovanie private - legal relations: some questions of the theory and practice of" call. aut. Ibragimov, FG, MA Amirov, Kayshataeva AK Raimbekova Zh.E., Razieva DB Razimova AM Zhampeisov DA
  2. "Modern Pentathlon zamanғy ғylymi құқyқtyқ zertteuler" call. aut. Zhampeisov DA, DA Zhampeisov, Kayshataeva AK Karazhanova JK, Kasiev TB, Smagulova AB, TK Nurekeshov
  3. "Zaңdy tұlғalardy құru, taratudyң zhalpy erezhelerі" author. Kasiev TB, Zhampeisov DA, DA Zhampeisov
  4. During the period from 14 to 28 April 2015 invited scientists from the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China, China, Beijing. There was a lecture Doctor of Law, Professor Liu Yongyan on the subject "Principles of law in China."

Kayshataeva AK within the framework of academic mobility Syndzyanky visited China University of China, Beijing and read lectures for undergraduates specialty "jurisprudence" on the subject "Legal regulation of commercial activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "Legal regulation of foreign labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Kayshataeva AK and Rakhimov AM within the framework of academic mobility read lectures on distsiplninam "Business Law of RK" and "Bar" in the amount of 2 credits in Innovative Eurasian Universitetet metro station Pavlodar.

During the 8 years at the Department of the GPA operates scientific club "Azamat" on civil issues, labor and family law, in which the organization of the major role played by teachers of the faculty and the best students. Notable is the well-established work of student legal clinic at the department, which stdenty provide free qualified legal assistance to the population of the region.

Students majoring in "Jurisprudence" participate in scientific students' circles "Young Tsivilist", "Azamat" to further enhance the theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as the preparation of scientific papers for the student conference.

Ibragimov FG He is a member of the working group of the scientific project "Status and prospects of intellectual and professional women's capacity at the level of decision-making in government agencies (for example, the East Kazakhstan region)", funded by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Issued teaching methodology and teaching aids:

  1. Tastekeev KK "Keden іsіn ұyyndastyru";
  2. Tastekeev KK "Daғdarysқa қarsy management";
  3. Zhampeisov DA, DA Zhampeisov "Labor Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
  4. Zhampeisov DA, DA Zhampeisov "The right to social security"
  5. Razieva DB "Workshop on Labour Law", and others.
  6. Ibragimov FG "Storage Agreement in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
  7. Kayshataeva AK "Kazakhstan Respublikasyndaғy sabaқtas құқyқtardyң azamattyқ-құқyқtyқ retteuі"

The department is constantly working to develop the vision, values ​​and policies of the Department of quality. The department maintains a business relationship with a number of public and private enterprises, as evidenced by the presence of agreements on practical training of students of full-time and correspondence courses "Law" specialties: Court №1, Justice Department Semey, "ATF Bank" GU "Department of Employment and social programs, "SI" Akimat of Semey ", law firms, notaries, and other microcredit organizations.
