Dean of the Faculty


Information and Technology Department was established in September 2013 as a result of division of the Faculty of Information Technology and Economics on the economic and financial, information and technical departments.

At the ITF highly qualified composition of more than 40 teachers. About 50% of employees at the Faculty of teachers have academic degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences.

At the ITF training in state educational grants and contract basis in 11 specialties of undergraduate and graduate exercise 1 specialty producing 2 departments:

Applied Biology (bachelor: 5B070100 "Biotechnology, 5B010800" Physical culture and sport ", 5B010400" Basic military training ");

Informatics and Mathematics (bachelor: 5B060200 "Informatics", 5B073200 "Standardization, Metrology and Certification", 5B070400 "Computers and Software", 5B042100 "Design", 5B070300 "Information Systems", 5B072900 "Construction" 5B071800 "Power" , 5B090100 "Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation", graduate specialty 6M060200 "Computer").

The faculty has scientific relations with leading universities and scientific centers of Kazakhstan, CIS and far abroad: KazNU, KazPTI im.Satpaeva, Gumilev Eurasian National University, Tomsk State University, Altai State Technical University, and others.

The Faculty is located in a three-storey housing in the city center and has modern training facilities at ul. Abaya 107.

For example, at the Faculty there are 3 open laboratory teaching and applied research: cell biotechnology, food biotechnology, microbiology and virology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, which are equipped with the unique equipment, allowing to carry out not only laboratory studies, but to maintain and scientific research.

In 2015, at the department of "Applied Biology" is working on the research project on the theme: "Development of biotechnological methods of using herbs protivoopuhlevogo steps in the manufacture of fermented dairy products." The scientific leader of the project is dts Zharykbasova K.S. The aim of the research project is the scientific rationale for the use in the diet of cancer patients fermented foods rich in medicinal plants possessing anti-tumor effect. Scientific novelty of the research is at the cellular level, the mechanism of action of medicinal plants extracted from natural ingredients on colorectal cancer.

In 2015, as part of the research activities of the Faculty teachers published 2 books, 14 teaching aids, 17 abstracts presented at international scientific conferences, professional development took place 13 teachers. In 2015 compared to 2014 the number of publications has increased by almost 1.5 times.

Students will also have an active research and development. For example, D. Galiev took 1st place, A. Ospanov took 2nd place, Askarova A. and A. Zhumabekova took 3rd place in the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science: regional and global interests", held on 19-20 March 2015 of the year.


Classrooms and laboratories are equipped with modern faculty, technical means of education.


Students of the Faculty of youth makes a significant contribution to the number of sporting achievements of the University.


For all who want to keep your body in good shape open gyms.


Faculty of Information Center provides a permanent electronic communication within the university and Internet access. All classroom training and self-training of students is carried out using modern computer technology and software. The faculty has 11 computer labs with 16 computers each, 2 rooms are equipped with projectors, and interactive whiteboards.

For sports faculty has a complex with gyms, swimming pool, gym, the only city among the boxing ring universities.

Nonresident the comfortable rooms in the "House of Students".

Students of the faculty have an excellent opportunity to acquire deep knowledge of the future specialty, to engage in research work and leisure.

Students can enroll in optional in table tennis clubs, volleyball, football, basketball, Kudo.

Address Information Technology Faculty:

EKR, Semey, st. Abaya, 107 (2 building)

Tel .: 56-44-89, ext. 108


Head of the Department



According to the mission of the university, the department provides training of highly qualified competitive specialists to enhance the economy of the East Kazakhstan region and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to improve the quality in the field of education, the teaching staff of the department seeks to undergo specialized accreditation of educational programs.

The activity of the department is built in accordance with the quality policy of the University, meets the objectives of the quality management system implemented at the university.

Various research activities of the teaching staff of the department: participation in scientific conferences of various levels, development of scientific projects, publication of articles, teaching aids, textbooks, monographs, management of scientific circles of students, etc.

Topics of scientific research of the teaching staff of the department:

Modern problems and prospects of information technology development;

Current problems of standardization in the food industry;

Introduction of energy-saving technologies in cities and rural areas.

Also, the staff of the department developed electronic collections of EMCD, focused on individual specialties. All this makes it possible to strengthen their individual and independent training, as well as to improve the quality of the educational process.

The department pays special attention to the work of the educational and methodological seminar, which discusses the use of new information technologies in the educational process, methods of drawing up work plans and syllabuses on credit technology, and many other topical issues in the field of education.

Teachers of the department effectively implement modern pedagogical technologies and new teaching methods.

During classes, depending on the specifics of the disciplines taught in the department, combined control, presentations, discussions, trainings, round tables, case studies, reports, speeches at seminars, presentations of reports, problem solving and exercises, mini-control works, as well as other pedagogical techniques are used.

The department has scientific relations with leading universities and scientific centers of Kazakhstan and Bulgaria, Russia, Poland: Tomsk State University, Altai State Pedagogical Academy, Sofia Technical University, University of Finance and Management, Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Eurasian National University named after Gumilev, Pavlodar State University named after Toraigyrov and many others.

Under the agreement on mutual cooperation of 25.04.2018, Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University together with the State Medical University of Semey started to implement a joint educational program:

Joint program on the implementation of educational activities for higher education in the specialty 5B070300 "Information Systems" in the integrated educational program "Information Systems. IT in Healthcare".

The department has 19 classrooms (10 computer classrooms with 16 computers each, a training room equipped with an interactive whiteboard, a laboratory of physics, electric power, IT lab accelerator), which are used in the educational process. Computer labs are equipped with modern software and training systems to serve the learning process. The computer labs are equipped with a local area network and Internet. The educational and methodological room contains many electronic textbooks, multimedia training programs, collections of presentations, video lessons, which are effectively used in the learning process.

Annually, students of educational programs of the department participate in research work: make presentations at regional, interuniversity, national conferences, work on research projects in circles under the guidance of teachers of the department.

Student clubs "Art of Programming" and "Creative Energy" are functioning for students. A team of selected students of the circle takes part in the Republican and international Olympiads.

Students participate in a variety of forms of educational work: curatorial hours, amateur art shows, KVN, debates, youth public organizations, etc. Students are socially active and creative. The department actively carries out educational work: introductions to programs of national importance, curatorial hours, celebrations, meetings and round tables.

The Department of Information and Technical Sciences organizes educational and industrial practice. The university has signed agreements with individual organizations, which are the bases of practice, to organize and conduct professional practice for students. The practice bases, for example, are "U-FUTURE" LLP, a branch of the regional testing center Ustudy in Semey. "Semipalatinsk Medical University" non-profit joint-stock company, MSOE "College of Business and Service", "Innovative college", "Semey Trans Telecom" JSC, «Сonsultservice» LLP, State Higher Medical College named after Kalmataev, Branch of Republican State Enterprise "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification", JSC "National Center of Expertise and Certification", LLP "Partner ENERGO LTD", JSC "East Kazakhstan Regional Energy Company", MSOE "Electrotechnical College", Semey.  Semey, JSC "Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Management Company "KEGOC", EKR, IE "Akhmetzhanova", KTZ Express, Semey, MSOE "Construction College" and others.

Students have the opportunity to undergo practical training also in the organizations with which they conclude agreements on an individual basis.

Educational programs of the department:

6В06122 «Informatics»

The main objective of the educational program for the training of bachelors of engineering and technology in the specialty 6B06122 "Informatics": training qualified specialists in the field of computer science, information technology, regional and global information nodes and Internet technologies. As well as: preparation for scientific research in the field of application of computer technology methods; mastering the preparation of requirements and features of individual components of professional activity objects based on the analysis of user needs, models of the subject area and capabilities of technical means; formation of skills to organize the process of preparation of professional activity objects of a certain quality in a specified time.

6В06124 «Computers and software»

Graduate of the educational program 6B06124 "Computers and software" will be able to work as a specialist in organizations that develop, implement and use computer technology and software in various fields: engineering, transport, telecommunications, science and education, i.e. almost in all areas of human activity.

6В06123 «IT in healthcare»

Professional training of bachelors on the educational program 6B06123 "IT in healthcare" prepares specialists that meet modern requirements, who are able to design and construct automated information systems used in IT and healthcare, who have practical skills and leadership qualities.

6В07527 «Standardization, certification and metrology in construction»

Graduates of the educational program 6B07527 "Standardization, certification and metrology in construction" specialize in controlling compliance with norms and their dissemination, in compiling requirements and regulations for products, in the safety of processes and systems, in the production, application and safety of products for manufacturers and consumers.

6В07326 «Industrial and civil engineering»

The area of professional activity of a graduate of the educational program 6В07326 «Industrial and civil engineering» is the field of technology of construction works, including construction management on the basis of modern methods of management, implementation of innovative technologies; the field of effective organization of work of construction firms with the use of marketing techniques and the basics of entrepreneurial activity in a market economy.

6В07125 «Electroenergy»

The area of professional activity of a graduate of the educational program 6В07125 «Electroenergy» is a field of science and technology, which includes a set of technologies, means, methods and techniques of human activity, aimed at creating conditions for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.

6В11329 «Organization of transportation, traffic and exploitation of transport»

Bachelor in the educational program 6B11329 "Organization of transportation, traffic and exploitation of transport" is prepared for activities in the field of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and techniques of human activity aimed at solving complex problems associated with the organization of traffic on transportation, modeling and design of vehicle traffic, the study of processes and patterns of operation work organization based on modern management and marketing; improving the process of transportation and the interaction of modes of transport based on logistic principles, as well as research activities aimed at improving the efficiency of transport in a market economy.

There is also training in the master's and doctoral programs 7M06110 and 8D06110 "Informatics" in the state and Russian languages.

The teaching staff of the Department of Information and Technical Sciences will be happy to welcome new students to start joint educational and creative activities!


Head of the department


The Department of Applied Biology has a highly qualified teaching staff.

Scientists of the department conduct research under the grant funding of scientific research under the program of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Teachers of the department won: grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific research on the themes: "Research and development of scientific and practical bases of production of sour-milk products of antituberculosis action" (for the sum 60 million tenge) and grant of Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on "Research of bioecological condition of fresh and salty lakes of Semey region" (1 million tenge).

According to the results of research conducted within the framework of the project "Research and development of scientific and practical foundations for the production of dairy products with anti-tuberculosis effect" two innovative patents were registered and obtained - "Method of extract production from Eminium Regel" and "Method of immunomodulatory koumiss production".

In 2015 the department won the grant of the MES RK for scientific research on the theme: "Development of biotechnological methods of application of medicinal plants with anticancer effect in the production of fermented dairy products". (in the amount of 5 million tenge).

The obtained scientific results were published in journals with an impact factor and were presented by L.E. Chulenbaeva, a master of biology, at an international conference on «The Effect of Flavonoids Luteolin and Quercetin Upon Colon Cancer Cells in Vitro» held in Washington, D.C.

The teaching staff of the department is active in research and teaching.

Lecturers of the Department of Applied Biology, who have been trained at L'Aquila and Sapienza universities in Italy, Brighton University (England) and Anderson Research Institute (USA), supporting the policy of the First President of RK on trilingualism, which was first announced in October 2006 at the XII session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, now teach disciplines in English.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Kydyrmoldina A.Sh. conducted classes (lectures and laboratory classes) in English on human and animal physiology for the second year students. Third year students were taught in English by acting associate professor, candidate of biological sciences Tazabaeva K.A. (on plant physiology) and lecturer Omarkhan E. (on microbiology and virology).

One of the classes of Associate Professor Kydyrmoldina A.Sh. on human and animal physiology in English was attended by an international expert Waldemar Wójcik.

Students take an active part in the research and social work of the department and make a noticeable contribution to the number of scientific, educational and athletic achievements of the university.

The department has three open laboratories for educational and applied research: cell biotechnology, food biotechnology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, which are equipped with unique equipment worth more than 8 million tenge, which allows to conduct not only laboratory classes, but also scientific research.

Educational programs of the department:

5B010800- "Physical Education and Sports”

Academic degree: Bachelor of Education in the educational program "5B010800- Physical Education and Sports".

According to the qualification, our graduates can successfully work at the following objects of professional activity as:

- teachers of physical education in secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges;

- coaches at children's and youth sports schools, Olympic reserve schools;

- instructors, methodologists, organizers in institutions and organizations of sports and fitness profile.

 5В070100 «Biotechnology»

Academic degree: Bachelor of Science in 5В070100 «Biotechnology».

Bachelor in the educational program 5B070100 "Biotechnology" will be able to work as a technologist in manufacturing and production laboratories, a specialist in research institutes and universities, a specialist in food production, a specialist in agricultural biotechnology, a biotechnologist, a plant breeder, a specialist of environmental services.

The department has open laboratories for educational and applied research: cell biotechnology, food biotechnology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, microbiology and virology classrooms, methodology room of biotechnology, which are equipped with unique equipment that allows not only to conduct laboratory classes, but also to conduct scientific research.

5В010400 «Basic Military Training»

Academic degree - Bachelor of Education in the educational program 5B010400 - «Basic Military Training»

Bachelor of Education in the educational program 5B010400 «Basic Military Training» will be able to work:

  • secondary schools, boarding schools, gymnasiums, lyceums;
  • primary and secondary vocational schools;
  • administrative bodies of education.

Material and technical basis:

Biotechnological and chemical laboratories are equipped in accordance with modern requirements (КФК photometer, biophotometer, laminar box, analyzer of alcoholic beverages "Kolos-2", milk analyzer "Lactan 1-4 M mini", wine refractrometer, infra-Lume-FT-10, biological safety class I laminar box, spectrophotometer-Uviline 9100-9400, microtome, biotest thermostat, device for drop electrophoresis "Капель 105M", climatic chamber, rotary evaporator, microplate photometer for immunoassay STAT FAX 4300, microplate shaker incubator STAT FAX 2200, orbital shaker Lab dancer, orbital shaker KS 130 basic, electric hotplate C-MAG HP 10+*, water bath GFL 1023, autoclave, thermostat TC-1/80 SPU, photometers KFK-5M, medical microscopes MIKMED-5 with digital cameras, pH-meters (pH-150МИ, bidistillator), electronic scales CAUW company CAS).

Students can study in prestigious Kazakhstani and foreign educational institutions under the academic mobility programs. In its research activities, the Department of Applied Biology cooperates with the following partners:
- Protocol of cooperation with Pamukkale University (Turkey);

- Memorandum of Understanding with the Technical University of Bialystok (Poland);

- Cooperation Agreement with the Forestry University of Sofia (Bulgaria);

- Cooperation Agreement with the Agricultural University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria);

- Memorandum with Pannonia University (Hungary);

- Cooperation Agreement with NSTU (Russia, Novosibirsk);

- Cooperation Agreement with Novosibirsk State University (Russia, Novosibirsk);

- Cooperation Agreement with Altai State University (Russia, Barnaul);

- Cooperation Agreement with Kuban State University (Russia, Krasnodar).

For several years, the best biotechnology students of the Department of Applied Biology have successfully completed practical training at the National Biotechnology Center in Astana.



The Department of Applied Biology has a highly qualified teaching staff.

Scientists of the department conduct research under the grant funding of scientific research under the program of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Teachers of the department won: grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific research on the themes: "Research and development of scientific and practical bases of production of sour-milk products of antituberculosis action" (for the sum 60 million tenge) and grant of Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on "Research of bioecological condition of fresh and salty lakes of Semey region" (1 million tenge).

According to the results of research conducted within the framework of the project "Research and development of scientific and practical foundations for the production of dairy products with anti-tuberculosis effect" two innovative patents were registered and obtained - "Method of extract production from Eminium Regel" and "Method of immunomodulatory koumiss production".

In 2015 the department won the grant of the MES RK for scientific research on the theme: "Development of biotechnological methods of application of medicinal plants with anticancer effect in the production of fermented dairy products". (in the amount of 5 million tenge).

The obtained scientific results were published in journals with an impact factor and were presented by L.E. Chulenbaeva, a master of biology, at an international conference on «The Effect of Flavonoids Luteolin and Quercetin Upon Colon Cancer Cells in Vitro» held in Washington, D.C.

The teaching staff of the department is active in research and teaching.

Lecturers of the Department of Applied Biology, who have been trained at L'Aquila and Sapienza universities in Italy, Brighton University (England) and Anderson Research Institute (USA), supporting the policy of the First President of RK on trilingualism, which was first announced in October 2006 at the XII session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, now teach disciplines in English.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Kydyrmoldina A.Sh. conducted classes (lectures and laboratory classes) in English on human and animal physiology for the second year students. Third year students were taught in English by acting associate professor, candidate of biological sciences Tazabaeva K.A. (on plant physiology) and lecturer Omarkhan E. (on microbiology and virology).

One of the classes of Associate Professor Kydyrmoldina A.Sh. on human and animal physiology in English was attended by an international expert Waldemar Wójcik.

Students take an active part in the research and social work of the department and make a noticeable contribution to the number of scientific, educational and athletic achievements of the university.

The department has three open laboratories for educational and applied research: cell biotechnology, food biotechnology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, which are equipped with unique equipment worth more than 8 million tenge, which allows to conduct not only laboratory classes, but also scientific research.

Educational programs of the department:

5B010800- "Physical Education and Sports”

Academic degree: Bachelor of Education in the educational program "5B010800- Physical Education and Sports".

According to the qualification, our graduates can successfully work at the following objects of professional activity as:

- teachers of physical education in secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges;

- coaches at children's and youth sports schools, Olympic reserve schools;

- instructors, methodologists, organizers in institutions and organizations of sports and fitness profile.

 5В070100 «Biotechnology»

Academic degree: Bachelor of Science in 5В070100 «Biotechnology».

Bachelor in the educational program 5B070100 "Biotechnology" will be able to work as a technologist in manufacturing and production laboratories, a specialist in research institutes and universities, a specialist in food production, a specialist in agricultural biotechnology, a biotechnologist, a plant breeder, a specialist of environmental services.

The department has open laboratories for educational and applied research: cell biotechnology, food biotechnology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, microbiology and virology classrooms, methodology room of biotechnology, which are equipped with unique equipment that allows not only to conduct laboratory classes, but also to conduct scientific research.

5В010400 «Basic Military Training»

Academic degree - Bachelor of Education in the educational program 5B010400 - «Basic Military Training»

Bachelor of Education in the educational program 5B010400 «Basic Military Training» will be able to work:

  • secondary schools, boarding schools, gymnasiums, lyceums;
  • primary and secondary vocational schools;
  • administrative bodies of education.

Material and technical basis:

Biotechnological and chemical laboratories are equipped in accordance with modern requirements (КФК photometer, biophotometer, laminar box, analyzer of alcoholic beverages "Kolos-2", milk analyzer "Lactan 1-4 M mini", wine refractrometer, infra-Lume-FT-10, biological safety class I laminar box, spectrophotometer-Uviline 9100-9400, microtome, biotest thermostat, device for drop electrophoresis "Капель 105M", climatic chamber, rotary evaporator, microplate photometer for immunoassay STAT FAX 4300, microplate shaker incubator STAT FAX 2200, orbital shaker Lab dancer, orbital shaker KS 130 basic, electric hotplate C-MAG HP 10+*, water bath GFL 1023, autoclave, thermostat TC-1/80 SPU, photometers KFK-5M, medical microscopes MIKMED-5 with digital cameras, pH-meters (pH-150МИ, bidistillator), electronic scales CAUW company CAS).

Students can study in prestigious Kazakhstani and foreign educational institutions under the academic mobility programs. In its research activities, the Department of Applied Biology cooperates with the following partners:
- Protocol of cooperation with Pamukkale University (Turkey);

- Memorandum of Understanding with the Technical University of Bialystok (Poland);

- Cooperation Agreement with the Forestry University of Sofia (Bulgaria);

- Cooperation Agreement with the Agricultural University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria);

- Memorandum with Pannonia University (Hungary);

- Cooperation Agreement with NSTU (Russia, Novosibirsk);

- Cooperation Agreement with Novosibirsk State University (Russia, Novosibirsk);

- Cooperation Agreement with Altai State University (Russia, Barnaul);

- Cooperation Agreement with Kuban State University (Russia, Krasnodar).

For several years, the best biotechnology students of the Department of Applied Biology have successfully completed practical training at the National Biotechnology Center in Astana.
