Military department of the Alikhan Bukeikhan University of Semey, opened by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 27 August 2011..
In the 2011-2012 academic year teaching at the military department was carried out by three military occupational specialties:
– “Organization of the bringing up work in the motor-light subdivisions”;
– “Fighting adaptation of the subdivisions, units and unions of the corps and line artillery”.
-“Adaptation of the subdivisions and units with the means of radio communication”;
In 2011/2012 the number of students who qualified for the military department was – 150 people, and in the 2012-2013 academic year-170 people.
Since 2014, within the new Concept of preparation of military experts on military chairs of civil higher educational institutions, training on it will be conducted on two military specialties:
– “Organization of the bringing up work in the motor-light subdivisions”;
– “Fighting adaptation of the subdivisions, units and unions of the corps and line artillery”.

To the military training involved students – citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the age of 27 years old, suitable for military service on a state of health. Selection of students for passing of military preparation is made by the selection commission on their personal statements which are submitted addressed to the head of higher education institution. At selection of students are considered: results of physical examination of the draft commission In the selection takes into account: the medical evidence drafting commission of local military authorities and the results of the standards for physical fitness established for students entering military schools, the results of psychological screening, the average GPA of the student in an educational institution, determined by the results of the exams.
Students who have successfully completed training at the military department at the university and who took the military oath, by order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan appropriates primary military rank “the lieutenant of a stock”