The Dissertation Council of "AlikhanBokeikhan University" in Semey willre-defendthe dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) byRimma Takhtayeva Shaimardanovna on the topic: "Organizational and economic aspects of cluster tourism development in the Kazakhstan and itsimpact on the country's economy" according to the educational program"8D04105 Economics".
The dissertation was completed at the Department of Business and Management of Alikhan Bokeikhan University
The language of protection is Russian.
Official reviewers:
1) Abisheva Gulmira Olzhabekovna – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Department "Tourism, Initial MilitaryTraining, Physical Cultureand Sports",Abai MyrzakhmetovKokshetau University (Kokshetau,Kazakhstan)
2) Tleubayeva Aitalkyn Tleubaikyzy – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism, L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan).
Scientific consultants:
1) Moldazhanov Marat Betimbaevich – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Senior lecturer of the Department of Business and Management, Alikhan Bokeikhan University (Semey, Kazakhstan)
2) Blagoev Veselin – PhD, Professor, Vice-Rector of Varna University of Management (Varna, Bulgaria).
Temporary members:
- Maidyrova Aigul Bulatovna – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan)
- Zhenshan Darima – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (Astana, Kazakhstan).
- Apysheva Assel Anuarbekovna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Higher School of Business and Law, S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan)
4) Levchenko Tatyana Pavlovna – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Researcher, «Federal Research Center "Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (Sochi, Russian Federation).
The defense will take place: On July 12, 2024 at12:00 the Dissertation Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),doctor in the fieldof training"8D041 Business andManagement" Alikhan BokeikhanUniversity"
Address: Abai region, Semey, Mangilik el str., 11.
Conference hall. Connecting via the ZOOM platform:
Conference ID: 429 942 8020
Access code: 2024
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