ABU has many years of fruitful co-operation with universities in the Republic of Poland, where the main partners are the University of Białystok and the East European University of Applied Sciences in Białystok.
Our cooperation is most actively developed in such areas as academic mobility of students, inviting professors to give lectures. Implementation of these programs is carried out at the expense of grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, funds of the international program Erasmus +, as well as grants of the President of ABU Professor Shyryn Kurmanbayeva.
Thus, in the current academic year already implemented programs of academic mobility of students to these universities on such educational programs as economics, law enforcement, English with additional study of a second foreign language at the expense of the grant of the President of ABU.
In the new academic year, it is planned to send students for semester training to these universities on educational programs English language with additional study of the second foreign language at the expense of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as students of the educational program Physical Education and Sports, at the expense of the grant of the President of ABU.
In addition, in May 2024, 2 ABU professors gave lectures at the East European University of Applied Sciences in Białystok (WANS) E.P. Shustova, PhD, MBA, and Prof. Blagoev V., as part of the Erasmus + program.

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