On March 29, 2024 within the framework of the II Forum of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan and Russia "Actual Trends in Higher Education and Science" two new cooperation agreements were signed between Alikhan Bokeikhan University and leading universities of Russia - St. Petersburg State University and Kazan Federal University.
These universities are leading educational institutions and scientific centers for training of specialists of wide profile. ABU plans to implement cooperation in such important areas as:
- implementation of academic mobility programs for students;
- internships for master's and doctoral students in these universities;
- inviting scientists to give lectures;
- joint scientific research, projects;
- professional development of teachers.
Sergey Andryushin, Vice-Rector for International Activities, attended the signing on behalf of St. Petersburg State University. From Kazan Federal University the agreement was signed by Timirkhan Bulatovich Alishev, Vice-Rector for External Relations.
Alikhan Bokeikhan University was represented at the signing ceremony by Elena Shustova, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation.
We congratulate our colleagues and students on new opportunities for academic and scientific cooperation with SPbU and KFU

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