Current issues of foreign language teaching were discussed

Current issues of foreign language teaching were discussed

On March 28, a round table discussion on the topic “Utilization Techniques of Modern Educational Technologies in Foreign Language Classes” took place at Alikhan Bokeikhan University. 

The event was moderated by Vladimir Petrovich Barbashov, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Language Didactics and Second Foreign Language of the Linguistic Institute at Altai State Pedagogical University.

The main objective of the round table was to exchange various innovative pedagogical methods aimed at enhancing the quality of educational activities among foreign language instructors. 

The event was attended by faculty members of the Philology Department and students of Alikhan Bokeikhan University, as well as students and instructors from the Linguistic Institute of Altai State Pedagogical University, including Olga V. Zapisnaya, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Language Didactics and Second Foreign Language, and Natalia P. Shirokova, Ph.D., Director of the Linguistic Institute.

Throughout the event, a comprehensive analysis and critical reflection on the principles of educational process construction were conducted, taking into account the active application of modern educational technologies driven by contemporary requirements for the quality of education and the level of professional training of students. 

Participants of the round table exchanged experiences regarding the use of various types of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages, information and communication technologies, critical thinking development techniques, project-based methods, collaborative learning technologies, and much more.
