Solemn signing of the agreement on the opening of a branch Sofia Technical University (Republic of Bulgaria) on the basis of Alikhan Bokeikhan University

Solemn signing of the agreement on the opening of a branch Sofia Technical University (Republic of Bulgaria) on the basis of Alikhan Bokeikhan University

On October 25, as part of Alikhan Bokeikhan University 25th anniversary celebration, an important decision was made aimed at deepening international cooperation and expanding educational opportunities for students – the signing of agreement on the opening of Technical University of Sofia branch (Republic of Bulgaria) in ABU. The opening of the TUS branch is carried out on the basis of a new joint educational program "Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain", which reflects the modern world requirements for education in the field of the latest information technologies and artificial intelligence.

The signing of the historic agreement took place with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Kazakhstan support. The event was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Boyan Hadjiev, as well as Head of the Consular Office of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Plamen Petkov. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor Lubomir Dimitrov participated in the signing on behalf of Technical University of Sofia.

ABU was represented by the University President Kurmanbayeva Sh., Rector Koichubaev A., Vice-President Kurmanbayeva Zh., Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Shustova E., as well as vice-rectors, deans and heads of departments.

The opening of Sofia Technical University of Sofia branch in ABU is a new stage in education and science development not only in Abai region, but also in the whole Kazakhstan, emphasizing ABU desire to provide high–quality education in the field of the latest technologies and artificial intelligence.
