Alikhan Bokeikhan University
Senior Lecturer PhD доктор

Education: Semey State University named after Shakarima, specialty "Chemistry", 2000. Master's degree in Chemistry (2004).

Academic degree, academic title: PhD doctor of philosophy in the specialty 6D073500 - "food safety"

The field of research is food safety, chemical ecology.

List of main publications:

Influence of lactic acid microorganisms on the formation of quality of dry sausages. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences; Izmir Volume 14, Ed. 1, (2020): 117-121.

A Pumpkin-Based Emulsion Gel as a Texture Improvement of Mixed Horsemeat Semi‑Smoked Sausages. Foods 2022, 11(23), 3886,DOI:10.3390/foods11233886

Study of the Nutritional Vale and Vikrostructure of Veal Cutlets with the Addition of Siberian Cedar Nut Seed CakeOnline Journal of Biological Sciences. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences Volume 22 No. 3, 2022, 375-387, DOI:

A risk and hazard analysis model for the production process of a new meat product blended with germinated green buckwheat and food safety awareness Frontiers in Nutrition (Switzerland), section Nutrition and Food Science Technolody. ORIGINAL RESEARCH article, Front. Nutr., 22 June 2022, Sec. Nutrition and Food Science Technology.Volume 9 - 2022 |

Chicken combs as raw material in the manufacturing of chopped semi-finished horse meat products. Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, Vol.17. November 2023, p.955-971, DOI:

This is onimderinin sapa zhane kapsizdik korsetkishteri. Bulletin of Shakarim University, Semey, No. 3 (87), 2019, pp.14-17.

Kazakstandagy et onimderinin kauipsizdigin kamtamasyz yn zhuyeleri. Bulletin of Shakarim University, Semey, No. 4(92) (December) 2020, pp.4-7.

Shuzhyk onimderinin tagamdyk kundylygy. Bulletin of Shakarim University, Semey, No. 4 (92), 2020, pp.14-17.

The main indicators of the quality of horses meat. Bulletin of Shakarim University, Semey, No. 2 (90), 2020.

Semey kalasyn ekozhuyedegi topyraktyn kyzmeti. Bulletin of Shakarim University, Semey, No. 4 (92), 2020, pp.206-209.

The family of kalasynn Shygys kenti topyragynn kuramyn taldau. Bulletin of Shakarim University, Semey, No. 4 (92) 2020 pp.216-219.

Semey onirinin topyragynin ekologiyalyk zhagdayy. Bulletin of Shakarim University, Semey, No. 4 (92) 2020 pp.213-215.

Requirements for the quality and safety of raw materials for sausage products. The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of Education, Science and Production" on April 17, 2020 at the Bashkir Institute of Technology and Management (branch), Meleuz. 

 Food safety and quality of meat raw materials. VII International Conference "Science and Society – methodology and problems of practical application" Canada, Vancouver, February 15, 2019, pp. 95-100.

 "Gylym zertteu adisterinin negizderi". The training manual. Semey, 2022. – 144 p.

 Patent No. 5235. The method of production of semi-smoked sausage.  30.07.2020.

 Patent No. 5173. The composition for the preparation of a combined meat and vegetable semi-finished product.  17.07.2020.

 Patent No. 5165. A composition for the production of functional meat and vegetable cutlets. 17.07.2020.

The list of main subjects taught: General and Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry, Environmental and Green Chemistry, Chemical Technology, Chemistry of Elements