Information about faculty

Information about faculty


Phone: +7 (7222) 44-24-56

Address: 94 Ilyasheva str., office 214

Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Economics "Alikhan Bokeikhan University" Rakhimzhanova Gulmira Amirzhanovna 
Corporate Faculty Mail:

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Takhtayeva Rimma Shaimardanovna


Deputy Dean for Educational Work Nurgalieva Balnur Akhmetbaevna

Methodist Shokabayeva Gulnaz Tleugazievna

Brief information

The Faculty of Information Technology and Economics was established in 2003. The educational process at the Faculty is conducted by more than 200 teachers, more than 80% of them have academic degrees and titles. 

The main focus of the faculty is training qualified and competitive specialists with universal and subject-specific competencies in the field of technical sciences, pedagogical sciences, information technology, services, business and management.

The high level of training is ensured by the team of highly qualified teachers, professors and associate professors.

The quality of scientific and educational system is proved by numerous victories of students in international and republican competitions and contests, as well as awards of the teaching staff.

The most favorable conditions are created for the students to study. State-of-the-art computer equipment in the departments allows a high level of theoretical and practical training. Beginning with the 2nd year, students annually undergo practical training, get acquainted with the real production tasks and ways of their solution, actively participate in the implementation of modern IT-technologies in the work of the University. The partners of the faculty in the training of specialists are various enterprises and institutions of different forms of ownership, as well as individual entrepreneurs under the agreement, with which the joint training of bachelors, masters and PhDs.

The system of training specialists of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Economics, its composition and structure are focused on the needs of business and industrial production. The sphere of activity of graduates is the enterprises of industrial and investment-construction complex, banking, educational, social sectors of economy, state and local administration bodies, tax institutions, as well as the leading IT-companies.

Faculty graduates successfully work in the leading organizations of the city and region. Students have ample opportunities for creative self-fulfillment - there are various clubs, sports clubs and student organizations of various orientations.

There are 3 departments in the structure of the Faculty of Information Technology and Economics:

Department of "Information and Technical Sciences".

Department of Applied Biology

Department of Business and Management

Educational programs

At the Faculty of Law, education is conducted in the state and Russian languages according to educational programs:
Bachelor course

6B06122 Computer science
6В06123 IT in healthcare
6В06124 Computer engineering and software
6B07125 Electric power industry
6B05121 Biotechnology
6B01404 Physical culture and sports
6B01403 Initial military training
6B01509 Chemistry-Biology
6B04119 State and Local Government
6B04116 Economics
6B04117 Accounting and Auditing
6B04118 Finance
7M06110 Informatics 
7M05109 Biotechnology
7M04117 Business Administration
7M04116 Economics
7M04116 Finance
Doctoral studies 
8D06110 Computer science
8D04105 Economics

Material and technical base

In accordance with the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation dated April 25, 2018, our university, together with the Semey State Medical University, implemented a joint educational program "IT in healthcare" on the basis of the ITN Department. 
In 2019, an accelerator for IT students was opened and launched at the faculty. The purpose of the accelerator is to increase the intellectual potential in the field of ICT, as well as for others who want to develop their skills in the IT field.  The accelerator equipment is aimed at in-depth study of disciplines within the framework of educational programs, as well as for the creative work of students in the creation of startups and their commercialization.
This year (2022), for the further development and improvement of work in the field of training of IT specialists in demand in our region and in the Republic as a whole, a huge work was carried out on the opening of the Abai IT-Valley technopark.
At the Department of Information and Technical Sciences there are:
1. Information Security Laboratory;
2. Laboratory of Computational Methods and Software;
3. Artificial Intelligence and IOT Laboratory;
4. Laboratory of 3D modeling and computer animation;
5. Laboratory of Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems;
6. IT LAB accelerator;
7. Coworking center.
The center that carries out organizational and coordinating activities in the research direction: the research center for innovation. 
Students in the direction of "Electric Power Engineering" have the opportunity to work on measuring instruments, in DC and AC electrical circuits, as well as study semiconductor devices, analog electronic devices, elements and components of digital technology, as well as learn how to assemble circuits for lighting and connecting cables and wires in specialized classrooms:
1. Specialized cabinet "Electric Power Industry";
2. Electric Power Engineering Laboratory. 
Department of Applied Biology has:
• laboratories of educational and applied research: physiological research, cytology and histology, cell biotechnology, food biotechnology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, microbiology, laboratories for sterile microbiological research and autoclaving, chemical laboratories that are equipped with unique equipment.
• specialized sports and gyms equipped with updated sports equipment for the education of a healthy generation and qualified personnel.
The military department has a fairly developed material and technical base, which allows students to work out the practical skills of EP 6B01403 "Basic military training".
At the Department of "Business and Management" there are:
- Specialized cabinet of "Management decisions" 
- Specialized office of "Housekeeper and management" 
- Specialized cabinet "Finance" 
- Office of research work of doctoral students and undergraduates 

Educational work

The main objectives of the educational work of the Faculty of Information Technology and Economics are: the formation of students' attitude to study as to professional work. Comprehensive development of human and professional qualities of future specialists, constant stimulation of creative activity feasible for students, interest in their profession, independence in mastering the theoretical and practical basis of the chosen specialty.
Directions in which educational work is carried out:
• Development of student self-government;
• Patriotic education;
• Spiritual and moral education;
• Cultural and mass work;
• Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle: activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle;
• Prevention of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, tobacco smoking);
• Development of the volunteer movement;
• Prevention of offenses among young people;
• Prevention of interethnic and interfaith conflicts.
For the development of an active civic position, the formation of leadership qualities, for personal growth and self-realization of students at the university there are 8 student organizations, as well as students of the faculty take part in these organizations: creative group «Urker», youth wing «Zhas Otan», «ABU Students Alliance», «Union of KVN ABU», the debate club «Everest», the charity organization «Ak Niet», the team «Enactus ABU».
At the Department of Applied Biology there are 3 circles, two of which are research areas "Young researchers" ("Biotechnologists-innovators" and "Chemists-biology experimenters"), "ABU MMA team" and one - a circle–section.
There are 3 student scientific circles at the Department of Business and Management: "Financier", "Accountant", "Young Manager". The work of the circles is carried out according to the approved annual plan of the circle. "Young entrepreneur - Zhas kasipker" attracted: Zh.Chaizhunusov Electronic College, College of Law and Business - Innovative-College.KZ .
There are 2 student scientific circles at the Department of Information and Technical Sciences: 
"Web development" - the purpose of the circle is the formation of a personality with the skills of independent design and research work, orienting and working productively in the information Internet space. 
"Production projects in Java" - the purpose of the circle is to teach students the methodology and technology of using object-oriented programming based on the Java language to create applications.
