Information about the Department

Information about the Department


Head of the department Nurekeshov Talap Kairatovich, PhD doctor

-Abai Region, Semey, Abaya str. 94, office № 3


- head of the department., corporate mail-

Brief information

The Department of State and Legal Disciplines has been engaged in the training of qualified personnel since 1998. The training sessions are conducted by doctors of Law, candidates of Law, PhD doctors, and specialists with practical experience are also involved in lecturing. 

Educational programs

Bachelor course

6B04220 Jurisprudence

6B04201 Civil Service and judicial system

6B12330 Law enforcement activities

6B04222 Investigative and prosecutorial activities


7M04218 Actual problems of law

7M04208 Actual problems of law (scientific and pedagogical)

7M04238 Legal regulation of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan (profile)

7M04228 Medical law (scientific and pedagogical)

7M04258 Legal support of business (profile)

7M04248 Scientific foundations of social law (scientific and pedagogical)

Doctoral studies

8D04228 Conceptual foundations of social justice

8D04208 Modern trends in the development of Kazakh law

Material and technical base

In order to implement educational programs in the direction of "Law", the following laboratories operate:

1) The Forensic Laboratory is a structural subdivision of the Department of UPD and serves as an educational and methodological base for ensuring the educational process.

The laboratory also provides the educational process within the framework of the Master's degree program in the discipline "Actual problems of law enforcement practice of criminal and criminal procedure legislation"; doctoral studies in the disciplines "Theoretical and applied problems of criminological science", "Scientific foundations of the development of criminal law and criminal proceedings".

2) The forensic laboratory is a structural subdivision of the Department of UPD and serves as an educational and methodological base for ensuring the educational process.

The main activity of the Forensic Laboratory is the solution of forensic tasks using specific means, organizational, tactical and methodological foundations of crime investigation.

The Forensic Laboratory conducts practical classes and independent work of students using scientific and technical means under the guidance of teachers in the undergraduate disciplines: "Criminalistics", "Forensic tools and methods of crime investigation", "Investigation of serious crimes", "Fundamentals of forensic medicine and psychiatry"; master's degree in the discipline "Problems of improving forensic techniques and means of detection and investigation of crimes". 

In the course of teaching, special attention is paid to modern methods of obtaining and securing evidence at the stage of pre-trial investigation, establishing objective truth, the specifics of using a particular technique in the investigation of serious and especially serious criminal offenses.

3) The courtroom is intended for the implementation of information and educational and methodological support of the educational process and is aimed at the formation of practical skills and abilities. The training courtroom is equipped with all modern technical means in all respects corresponds to the courtroom in the judicial system, which makes it possible to bring the training trial as close as possible to the real one. The courtroom provides certain types of theoretical and practical training of students in the disciplines: "Criminal procedure law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Theory of court sessions", "Civil Procedure law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Administrative activity of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Prosecutor's supervision of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Supervision of the Prosecutor's Office over the execution of laws in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

4) The cabinet of the "School of Integrity" as the main goal provides for the targeted training of young representatives of the anti-corruption movement of a new formation, an anti-corruption model of behavior among young people, the formation of integrity and academic integrity at the university

5) Research Center "Actual problems of jurisprudence". The Center carries out organizational and coordinating activities in the research direction of the development of the university unit on the basis of a long-term research plan. The objectives of the Center are to organize the research practice of undergraduates and doctoral students of the Law School, to support research works and projects of teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students

International cooperation

Altai State University (Cooperation Agreement)

Altai State University (Agreement on the organization of educational practice)

Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation (SibUPK) (agreement on cooperation in the provision of educational services)

Varna Free University 

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

Scientific work

For the successful scientific work of students at the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, there is a student scientific circle "Legists". The composition of the SNC "Legists" is updated annually, involving first-year students in the work of the circle. For the 2021-2022 academic year, the composition of the SNC "Legists" is 15 students.

At the university, scientific research is carried out within the framework of the activities of a promising approved research topic: "Improvement of state legal institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: theory and practice": PhD, Head of the Department of State Legal Disciplines E.S. Maishekina

The Department of State and Legal Disciplines received 2 author's certificates, Dushechkina E.V. "Legal features of bankruptcy rehabilitation institutions guide to decision-making", Smolov S.Zh. in collaboration with Zhampeisov D.A., Shakerkhan K., Kudaibergenov M.K. "Questionnaire questionnaire in the application of digital technologies", a program of advanced training courses Dushechkina E.V. "Legal features institutes of bankruptcy rehabilitation guide to decision-making";

As part of the development of research activities and commercialization and its results, the departments concluded various economic agreements, as well as cooperation agreements, and also drew up acts on the implementation of research results.

The following agreements were signed: A contract for the performance of research work by BBS Trade LLC, with IP Dushechkina E.V., "06" February 2009; with the East Kazakhstan Regional Youth Association "Salauat". 

In 2017, the following publications were published:

SCOPUS – 1, COXON – 2, RSCI – 5, Monographs – 2,Textbooks – 1, Conferences – 18.

In 2018, there were published: SCOPUS – 2, RSCI – 10, Monographs – 5,Textbooks – 1,Conferences – 12.

In 2019, there were published: SCOPUS – 2,COXON – 6, RSCI – 12, Monographs – 3, Textbooks – 2, Conferences - 15

In 2020, COXON – 2, RSCI – 10, Monographs -1, Conferences – 10 were published.

In 2021, SCOPUS – 1,COXON – 1, RSCI – 17, Monographs -2, Textbooks – 1, Conferences – 13 were published.

Teaching staff

The number of teaching staff of the department is 18 teachers. Of them:

-Doctor of Law -1 person

- Candidate of Law - 6 people

-PhD- 2 people

-master-9 people

Also, 9 of them have practical experience.

Professional development of teaching staff

From 2018-2021. The teaching staff of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines have passed regular refresher courses in various areas in the field of "Law":

 In 2022, 16 people took advanced training courses, among them: at the Territorial Institute "Education and Career" LLC, on the topic: "Integration of the digitalization strategy of education into the process of forming the competence profile of a specialist in the humanitarian and social field of training" 11 people; at the Institute of Advanced Training "Education and Career" (Novosibirsk), on the topic: "Neuro-linguistic programming: modeling success" 1 person; at the University of Helsinki (Finland, on the topic: "Pedagogical Ster Lessons from Finland" in the number of 3 people.

 In 2021, 12 people, including: in IPK and KazGUIU Semey, on the topic: ""Management in education"" in the amount of 1 person; in KazGUIU Semey, on the topic: ""Problems of administrative law and process" in the amount of 6 people; in the Kazakh-American Free University of Ust-Kamenogorsk. , on the topic: "Methodology and organization of scientific research and writing articles" in the amount of 1 person, etc.

In 2020, 7 people took advanced training courses at the Territorial Institute "Education and Career" LLC, on the topic: "Problems of constitutional law"


At the same time, in order to increase the scientific stability of the teaching staff, the university gives a recommendation for the training of university teachers to prepare PhD doctors in leading universities of Kazakhstan. So, in 2018, he graduated from the Gumilyov ENU senior lecturer of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines Smolov S.Zh. and defended his thesis with the degree of Doctor PhD.

The Dissertation Council of Gumilev ENU defended the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Nurmukhamed Dauletkeldievich Myrzatayev on the topic "Theoretical and practical issues of legal regulation of higher education", specialty "6D030100-Jurisprudence". 

The Dissertation Council of Alikhan Bokeihan University defended the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Amerkhanova Indira Kulataevna on the topic "Legal regulation of the process of internal migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the specialty "6D030100-Jurisprudence".

Employment of graduates

When monitoring the employment of graduates based on participation in national ratings conducted by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", the dynamics of employment under OP 6B04220-"Jurisprudence" in the first year after graduation is clearly traced: 2017 – 67.7%, 2018 – 62.3, 2019 – 66.3%, 2020-55%/, 2021.- 73%.

Educational work

The system of student self-government is implemented through such organizations as: the team "EnactusKazGUIU", the creative group "Urker", the youth wing "ZhasOtan", "KazGUIU Students Alliance", the public foundation "Commonwealth of Young Yuriy-stov", "Union of KVN KazGUIU", the debate club "Everest", the charity organization "Ak niet", "Business incubator".

Dolya studentov in the field of public utility by total numbers: 2017 - 40 %, 2018 - 50%, 2019 - 55%, 2020.-60 %, 2021- 60%; participating in events within the framework of the implementation of the subprogram "Tarbiye zhane bilim" of the program "Rukhani zhangyru": 2017. - 60 %, 2018 - 80%, 2019 - 90%,2020.-85%, 2021- 85%; classes in sportivn wawrabh sectsiyah, krushkah and creative obedinenie: 2017 - 65 %, 2018 - 77%, 2019 - 80%, 2020.-82%, 2021- 82%.

Notable alumni

Sadyrbayev Aidar Serkazynovich, Deputy Akim of Semey city (graduated in 2010)

Slyamov Bakytzhan Orazgalievich, Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006)

Baktiyarov Zhanybek Adenbekovich, Senior Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of the Legality of Judicial Acts of the Department for Supervision of the Legality of Judicial Acts and Representation of the Interests of the state in Criminal Cases of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005 issue)

Kosaev Olzhas Yerzhanovich Chairman of the Chamber of Legal Consultants of East Kazakhstan Region (2011 year of graduation)

Kemeshov Rinat Serikkalievich, Director of the Department of Collateral and Leasing Support of KAZAGROFINANCE JSC (2004)

Akhmetova Aliya Akhmetovna , Judge of the Specialized Administrative Court of Ust-Kamenogorsk (2010 year of graduation)

Sarsebaev Zhasulan Birlikovich Head of the Department of Internal Policy of the East Kazakhstan region (2008 year of graduation)

Zhunusov Yerkebulan Talgatovich, Head of the Department for Supervision of Legality and Socio-economic Sphere of the Prosecutor's Office of Akmola region (2004 year of graduation)

Baykalova Aidana Acting Director of the East Kazakhstan regional branch of the Republican Medical Academy LLP (2015 year of graduation) 

Yerkebulan Amandgeluly Zharkenov, Head of the Personnel Policy Department of the Semey City Police Department, Police Major (class of 2015)

Mataev Kanysh Akhmetovich, Head of the Department for the Protection of Public Interests of the Prosecutor's Office of Semey (class of 2004)