Alikhan Bokeykhan University continues to publish the "International Collection of works of young scientists, undergraduates and Students".
The collection accepts scientific articles in the following areas:
Legal sciences
Economic Sciences
Pedagogical sciences
Philological sciences
Philosophical sciences
Historical sciences
Technical sciences
Natural sciences
Rules for the design of materials
The text of the article (no more than 5 pages of A4 format) should be typed in the Word 6.0 (7.0) text editor in Times New Roman font (line spacing - 1, font size – 14, all margins - 20 mm) with line width alignment and mandatory automatic transfer setting. The indentation at the beginning of the paragraph is standard (1.27). Articles are accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English.On the first line – UDC (without indentation on the left). Below, in the center – the initials and surname of the author. Separated by a space – the title of the article in capital letters in bold, then, separated by a space, the text of the article, summary and keywords. Summary and keywords in three languages.
The list of references is indicated at the end of the article in order.
The following information about the author(s) is attached at the end of the article:
- Full name, academic degree and title;
- place of work and position (for undergraduates, students - place of study);
- office and home address and phone number, e-mail, postal code.
The article is published in the author's edition. Manuscripts of articles are not reviewed, are not returned. Materials that do not meet the specified requirements are not accepted for publication. Be sure to check files for viruses. The authors of the articles are responsible for the content and reliability of the submitted materials, citations, and statistical data.
The editor reserves the right to reject articles that do not correspond in their content to the topic and scientific level of the conference, technical requirements.
Sample design of the article:
UDC 343
Amirkanova Gaziza Erlanovna 1st year undergraduate student, Kazakh Humanitarian and Legal Innovation University, Semey
Бұл мақалада қылмыстық құқықтағы қолсұғушылық объектісі толық ашылған. Қол сұғушылық объектісін анықтау арқылы нақты қылмыстық құқық бұзушылықтың заңды табиғаты ашылады.
Түйін сөздер: қылмыстық құқық бұзушылық, қол сұғушылық объектісі, объектінің мағынасы.
В настоящей статье раскрыто полностью значение объекта посягательства в уголовном праве. Правильное определение объекта посягательства предоставляет возможность определить юридическую природу конкретного уголовного правонарушения.
Ключевые слова: объект уголовного правонарушения, объект посягательства, значение объекта.
In this article, the significance of the object of encroachment in criminal law is fully disclosed. The correct definition of the object of encroachment provides an opportunity to determine the legal nature of a specific criminal offense.
Keywords: object of criminal offense, object of encroachment, object value.
The value of an object is determined primarily by the fact that it is one of the elements of the composition of a criminal offense. Therefore, the object is included in the basis of criminal liability. This means that in order to bring a person to responsibility under a specific article of the Criminal Code, it is necessary to establish which object the commission of a criminal offense was directed to, which object a particular person wanted to harm by his actions and, in particular, which object this harm was caused to or the threat of such harm was created.
Public danger is one of the most important categories of the entire doctrine of criminal offenses that deserve comprehensive both criminal-sociological and criminal-legal analysis. Recently, under the influence of a new direction - criminology, the desire of scientists to study social danger has appeared. However, it still manifests itself one-sidedly, since the public danger is studied mainly only from the side of the subject of the criminal offense. These are the monographic studies of A.B. Sakharov "The identity of the criminal and the causes of crime" [1, p.174], V.D. Filimonov "Public danger of the criminal's personality" [2, p.115], P.S. Dagel "The doctrine of the criminal's personality in Soviet criminal law" [3,p.123], N.S. Leikina "The criminal's personality and criminal responsibility" [4, p.142] and others. No less important, in our opinion, would be the study of public danger from the objective and subjective sides, as well as from the position of the object of a criminal offense. Of course, this does not exclude the possibility of a common approach to this problem and achieving significant research results."
List of used literature
Sakharov A. B. On the identity of the criminal and the causes of crime in the USSR. Moscow : Gosyurizdat, 1961. - 279 p.
Filimonov V. D. Public danger of the criminal's personality. Tomsk, 1970 - 277 p.
Kotov D.P., Sirota S.I. Dagel P.S. The doctrine of the personality of a criminal in Soviet criminal law. - Vladivostok, 1970. - 132 p.
Leikina N.S. Criminal identity and criminal liability. LSU Publishing House, 1968 - 128 p.
Amirkanova Gaziza Erlanovna 1st year undergraduate student, Kazakh Humanitarian and Legal Innovation University, Semey
Address: Semey, Lenin str. 15, kv 45, 071400, tel: +7 707 995 87 85
It is planned to publish an international collection of scientific reports based on the materials.
Articles are provided at: Semey, Mangilik el str. 11, office 19, tel. 8 (7222) 36 03 63, cell. tel. 8777 288 11 08 or by e-mail with a paid scanned receipt.
Responsible for the release of the collection: Egezhanova Diana Ramzievna cell. tel. 8 7772881108
Editor- in-chief of the collection of scientific papers: Egezhanova Diana Ramzievna Head of the Department of Science of ABU cell. tel. 8 777 288 11 08