General information

General information

Director of the Institute
Moldazhanov Marat Betimbaevich
assistant of the Institute
Kapasheva Shynar


Our contacts:
Tel: +7 (7222) 36 02 99, 42-32-24
Cell. +77753420510,
e-mail: ,

Institute of Professional Development and Additional Training

The Institute of Professional Development and Further Education of EE "Alikhan Bokeikhan University" (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) was established by the Rector's Order No. 70 dated October 4, 2021.

The main purpose of the Institute is to organize educational activities on the following programs:

1. pedagogical retraining courses, for those who do not have pedagogical education;

2. training of the older generation under the "Silver University" project

3. courses of non-formal adult education;

4. internships for students and teachers;

5. professional development courses for specialists who do not have pedagogical education;

6.professional development courses for teachers; 

7. other educational programs that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Program PR0012-Pedagogical Retraining is included in the Register of OPs.  The courses are organized in accordance with the order of the MES RK № 110 from March 17, 2020 and are aimed at training teachers in the following areas:

1.    Teacher of Informatics;

2.    Teacher of History;

3.    Biology teacher;

4.    Teacher of Foreign Language (English);

5.    Teacher of Kazakh language and literature;

6.    Teacher of Russian language and literature in Kazakh-teaching schools;

7.    Teacher of preschool education organization;

8.    Teacher of chess;

9.    Career guidance teacher.

As of November 2023, 59 graduates received a Certificate of Completion with the qualification "Teacher" in the relevant profile.

30 июня 2022 года в стенах Alikhan Bokeikhan University было проведено мероприятие посвященное открытию Серебряного университета. 

Серебряный университет открыт в рамках реализации Концепции обучения в течение всей жизни (непрерывное обучение) и направлен на создание условий для продолжения обучения и повышения качества жизни людей пенсионного возраста

Миссия Серебряного Университета Alikhan Bokeikhan University заключается в привлечении партнеров, деятельность которых связана с поддержкой старшего поколения и активного долголетия.

«Серебряный университет» или Университет третьего поколения  - международное движение, задача которого состоит в том, чтобы обучать и стимулировать людей в возрасте, содействовать раскрытию внутренних возможностей и потребностей лиц пожилого и/или пенсионного возраста с целью их активизации и самореализации.

On June 30, 2022, an event dedicated to the opening of the Silver University was held at Alikhan Bokeikhan University. 

The Silver University was opened within the framework of realization of the Concept of lifelong learning (continuous learning) and is aimed at creating conditions for continuing education and improving the quality of life of people of retirement age

The mission of Alikhan Bokeikhan University Silver University is to attract partners whose activities are related to the support of the older generation and active longevity.

"Silver University" or the University of the Third Generation is an international movement whose mission is to educate and stimulate people in age, to promote the discovery of the inner capacities and needs of persons of elderly and/or retirement age with the aim of their activation and self-realization.

In the conditions of the development of the Digital Economy and digital transformation of social relations, non-formal learning is an opportunity to be in the trend and to ensure self-realization of each citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan with competitive competencies
