Information about the Department

Information about the Department


Head of Department– Tulebayeva Kuralay Toktarovna

Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of  Philology

Contact details of the head of the department: 

Department address: academic building Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Semey, Schmidt street, 44, room 2

Department phone: +7 - 7222 - 77-34-62 (ext. 113)

E-mail of the head of the department:

E-mail of the department: foreign-

Brief information

The purpose of the department: in-depth study of history and theory, criticism of Kazakh, Russian and foreign literature, topical problems of literary criticism and linguistics.

The main directions of the department's work: the study of the history of literature from the ancient period to the present day. Raising the status of the Kazakh language as a state language in the context of modern scientific and theoretical research. Synchronous and diachronic research of Kazakh, Russian, English and Turkish languages ​​at descriptive-comparative, theoretical, innovative levels. The teaching staff is conducting scientific work on the study of literary local history and its role in the history of Russian literature. The Department of Philology creates all the conditions for teaching and researching topical problems in the history of literature and linguistics.

Educational programs of the department:

Bachelor's educational programs of the Department of Philology:

Duration of training:

on the basis of secondary schools - 4 years

on the basis of secondary vocational education- 2 years 7 months

Second higher education - 2 years

6В01707 "Kazakh language and literature"

form of study - full-time study

6В02313 "Kazakh Philology"

form of study - full-time study

6В01708 "English with additional study of a second foreign language (German, Turkish)"

form of study - full-time study

Training of students under the educational program 6B01732 "Russian Language and Literature in Schools with a Non-Russian Language of Instruction" 

Form of study - full-time study

2 years on the basis of higher education

2 years 7 months on the basis of secondary special education

4 years on the basis of the secondary school

Educational programs of postgraduate education:

Preparation of masters in the areas 7M02303 "Philology" (Kazakh), 7M02304 - "Philology" (Russian) 

Doctoral studies in the direction 8D02303 "Philology" is aimed at acquiring the necessary competencies to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Material and technical base

Material and technical equipment of EP 6V01732 "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction", EP 6V01708 "English with additional study of a second foreign language", 6V01707 "Kazakh language and literature", 6V02313 "Kazakh philology" meets the qualification requirements for licensing educational activities. To achieve the goals of the EP of the department at the Faculty of Humanities, the following specialized classrooms are successfully operating:

- room number 1 - a lecture room equipped with a multimedia interactive whiteboard.

- room No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 - specialized, multimedia rooms, where both lectures and practical classes are held.

- office number 23 - equipped office, equipped with a projector, computer and interactive whiteboard

-room number 24 - equipped language laboratory, where there is language equipment for 16 people.

There is a library in which the departments are located:

- subscription;

- common reading room for 100 seats;

- scientific hall;

- media library hall for 25 seats;

- hall of periodicals for 40 seats;

- a reading room in the hostel for 20 seats.

The international cooperation

The teaching staff of the department participates in the process of searching and establishing partnerships with foreign universities, together with the Center for International Cooperation, organizes seminars and master classes with the participation of invited professors. Open classes with video recording and their subsequent analysis are actively carried out. So, in December 2016 the teachers of the department attended a course of lectures "Management in Education" and "Semiotics and Communication" by Hristo Kaftanjiev - the professor of the Sofia University named after "St. Cl. Okhritsky, the course of lectures "Effective Communications" by the same professor was delivered from November 20-24, 2017.

As part of academic mobility, teachers from foreign universities conduct lectures for students in EP 6B01732 "Russian Language and Literature in Schools with Non-Russian Teaching". 

The teaching staff of the Department of Philology is actively working on the program of academic mobility, giving lectures at the universities of the republic and abroad.

The teachers of the department annually participate in international, republican and regional scientific and practical conferences, teachers of the German language take part in the republican congresses of the DAAD and the Goethe Institute, exchange experience at the University of the Republic of Turkey (Istanbul and Pammukale) in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan at the Kyrgyz State University named after A. Arabaev, at the University of Paul-Valéry, Montpellier (France), etc.

For external academic mobility, ABU cooperates with a number of partner universities, among them: New Bolgar University (Republic of Bulgaria), State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University" (RF), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University" (NSU) (RF), Kuban State University (KubSU) (RF), Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafiev (RF, Pskov State University (RF), University of Pannonia (Hungary), Pamukkale University (Turkey), Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NSPU) (RF), Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "Russian New University" (RosNOU) (RF), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Pedagogical University" (RF).


Research work of teaching staff: 


Teachers are the main resource of the educational process and have full knowledge and experience for the effective transfer of knowledge to students within the EP. The implementation of the EP is provided by pedagogical personnel with a basic pedagogical education and engaged in scientific and scientific-methodological activities, having the academic degree of doctor and / or candidate of sciences.

Depending on the content of the disciplines taught at the EP, teachers widely use a variety of teaching methods and technologies: project method, critical thinking technologies, "case studies", presentations, clusters and other methods that allow to activate the cognitive activity of students.

The teaching staff of the department actively participates in the Republican competitions of scientific projects. So, the teachers of the department (Seyitova Sh.B., Gainullina F.A., Doskeeva Sh.A., Kasymova A.A., doctoral student Adilova Zh.K. and others) were the executors of the scientific project "Onomastic space of the East Kazakhstan region as a form of reflection of spirituality and national code (by the example of toponymic names of Tarbagatai, Ayaguz, Urdzhar districts) ", which received grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2018-2020. Scientific project: "Onomastic space of East Kazakhstan - the basis of the cultural and genetic code of the nation (based on the toponymic names of the Katon-Karagai, Altai and Glubokoe regions)", which is a logical continuation of the first project, received grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021 - 2023.

A significant contribution to Russian philological science was the publication of scientific articles, including in the journals of the Scopus database, as well as the publication of "Toponymic dictionaries" of the indicated regions, which made it possible to expand students' ideas about the richness of the toponymic space of the region, arouse their interest in language, literature, to the culture of the country, etc. These dictionaries have already been introduced into the educational process and are actively used in classes in linguistic and cultural disciplines.

Winners of the Republican competition "The best teacher of the university": Seyitova Sh.B. (2012), Tolebaeva K.T. (2013), Abikenova G.T. (2014), Abikenova G.T. (2015), Doskeeva Sh.A. (2018).

On December 11, 2019, the teaching staff of the Department of Philology in connection with the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayuly and in order to popularize the literary heritage of the poet among young people, to determine the place of the poet's works in the Turkic world, an international online round table was held on the topic: "Reading Abai, improve yourself" among admirers of Abai of the cities of Semey, Nur-Sultan. Scientists from Turkey also took an active part in the round table.

Research work of students of the department:

Students actively participate in research work in their specialties, special circles work, for example, "Philologist", "Speaking club". Students are engaged in the study of topical problems of domestic and foreign philological science, participate in scientific conferences, actively publish their research in scientific journals.

Students take an active part in international, republican and city scientific conferences. Every year, the University holds the Day of Science, where, according to various indicators in the field of organization and conduct of scientific work, including the results of student involvement in research, the “Best Faculty in Science”, “Best Department in Science”, “Best Scientist”, “The best student in science. 

At the Department of Philology for students of the EP "English with additional study of a second foreign language (German, Turkish)" the work of the scientific circle "Speaking club" is carried out. As part of the work of the circle, various educational and educational activities are organized to develop the communication skills of students in a foreign language. 

Teaching staff

As part of the teaching staff of the Department of Philology:


Doctors of Philology - 2

Candidates of Philological Sciences - 6

Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences - 2

Masters of Science - 26

Advanced training of teaching staff

All members of the teaching staff have the appropriate qualifications, regularly attend advanced training courses, participate in educational and methodological and scientific and theoretical seminars, exchange experience through mutual attendance of classes. For example, in November 2021 teachers of EP 6B01732 "Russian Language and Literature in Schools with a Non-Russian Language of Instruction" completed advanced training courses for teaching staff under the program "Criteria-based assessment of educational achievements of students as part of the updated content of education" in the amount of 72 hours, and also in December 2021 completed training under the program advanced training "World educational space in the system of inclusive education: methodology, experience, problems and prospects" in the amount of 72 hours.

All teachers of the Department of Philology are annually certified in accordance with the Regulations on the certification of the teaching staff of the university. Degrees in the profile of EP 6B01732 "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction" is 64%.


Owners of the Republican competition "The best teacher of the university": Seyitova Sh.B. (2012), Tolebaeva K.T. (2013), Abikenova G.T. (2014), Abikenova G.T. (2015), Doskeeva Sh.A. (2018).

In the educational process of the EP, monographs and teaching aids of the teachers of the department are widely used: for example, "Problems of the cognitive-conceptual study of the language structure" Ph.D. G.T.Abikenova, "Image of contemporaries in A. Nurshaikhov works" Ph.D. Sh.A.Doskeeva (2019), "Theoretical Foundations of Artistic-Text-Forming Semantic-Structural Units", Ph.D. Abikenova G.T. (2020), "The linguistic nature of the epistolary style in the Kazakh language" Ph.D. Abikenova G.T. (2020) and "Ethnolinguistics" by Ph.D. Sh.B. Seyitova, "Spelling and punctuation", "Stylistics", "Problems of punctuation of the Kazakh language" Ph.D. G.T.Abikenova, "Kazakh dialectology", "Kazakh folklore" by Sh.A.Doskeeva, "World literature" by R.M.Mukazhanova, "Measuring units of assessment" by Ph.D. Tlebaldina, "Toponymic dictionary of Tarbagatai region" (group of authors: Ph.D. Seyitova Sh.B., Ph.D. Doskeeva Sh.A., PhD Dr. A.A. Kasymova and others)., "Lexicology of the modern Kazakh language" G.Т. Abikenova, "Lexicology of the modern Kazakh language", "Cognitive linguistics", "Professional Kazakh language", "New technologies in teaching the Kazakh language" Sh.A. Doskeeva, "Methods of teaching Kazakh literature" N.K. Tlebaldina, electronic textbooks "Abaytanu" Sh.A. Doskeeva, "History of Foreign Literature" by R. M. Mukazhanova and others.

The teaching staff of the Department of Philology is actively working on the program of academic mobility giving lectures at the universities of the republic and abroad.

Teachers of the department annually participate in international, republican and regional scientific and practical conferences, teachers of the German language take part in the republican congresses of the DAAD and the Goethe Institute, exchange experience at the University of the Republic of Turkey (Istanbul and Pammukale) in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan at the Kyrgyz State University named after A. Arabaev, at the University of Paul-Valery, Montpellier (France), etc.

Employment of graduates 

For 2021, according to EP 6B01732 "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction", the number of graduates is 40. The number of employed graduates is 28 - 70%. For example, 2021 graduates of the EP “Russian Language and Literature in Schools with a Non-Russian Language of Instruction” work in organizations such as the South Kazakhstan Humanitarian and Economic College, School named after. Nauryzbay batyr of Kutpanbetuly, Zhambyl district, Almaty region, secondary school No. 87 named after. Abdrash Nazarbekov, in the city of Shymkent, kindergarten "Aisha No. 1" of the Almaty region; School them. Y. Altynsarin, Saryagash district, kindergarten No. 17 named after K. Kaziev in the city of Shymkent, etc.

For 2016, according to EP 5B011900 "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages", the number of graduates was 61. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation was 42 - 68.8%.

For 2017, according to EP 5B011900 "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages", the number of graduates is 79. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 48 - 60.7%.

For 2018, according to EP 5B011900 "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages", the number of graduates is 53. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 49 - 92.4%.

For 2019, according to EP 6B011900 “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”, the number of graduates is 60. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 45–75%.

For 2020, according to 6В011900 “Foreign language: Two foreign languages”, the number of graduates is 56. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 34–60.7%.

For 2021, according to EP 6B011900 "Foreign language: Two foreign languages", 6B011900 "English with additional study of a second foreign language" The number of graduates is 67, the number of employed is 70%.

For 2016, according to EP 5B011700 "Kazakh language and literature", the number of graduates is 30. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 16 - 63.3%.

For 2017, according to EP 5B011700 "Kazakh language and literature", the number of graduates is 40. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 27 - 67.5%.

For 2018, according to EP 5B011700 "Kazakh language and literature", the number of graduates is 39. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 31 - 79.4%.

For 2019, according to EP 5B011700 “Kazakh language and literature”, the number of graduates is 29. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 24–82.7%.

For 2020, according to EP 5B011700 “Kazakh language and literature”, the number of graduates is 28. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 20–71.4%.

For 2016, according to EP 5B020500 "Philology", the number of graduates is 21. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 13 - 62%.

For 2017, according to EP 5B020500 "Philology", the number of graduates is 31. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 19 - 61.2%.

For 2018, according to EP 5B020500 "Philology", the number of graduates is 29. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 22 - 76%.

For 2019, according to EP 5B020500 "Philology", the number of graduates is 17. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 13–76.4%.

For 2020, according to EP 5B020500 "Philology", the number of graduates is 12. The number of employed graduates in the first year after graduation is 8–66.6%.

Educational work

To educate students in civic engagement, a creative attitude to learning, social activities, the formation of leadership qualities in future specialists, a system of student self-government has been created. The system of student self-government is implemented through such organizations as: the “Enactus ABU” team, the creative group “Urker”, the youth wing “Zhas Otan”, “Alliance of ABU students”, the public fund “Commonwealth of young lawyers”, “Union of KVN ABU”, debating club "Everest", charitable organization "Ak niet", "Business incubator".

To provide social and legal support to students at the university, there is a public fund "Commonwealth of Young Lawyers".

To activate creative initiatives, self-realization of students and self-development based on the expansion of student self-government and their involvement in all spheres of university life, various student organizations function.

For the development and support of talented students, the creative group "Urker" was created.

For the adaptation of students in the world of modern communications, the development of speech techniques, the formation of constructive communication skills, the mastery of social leadership technologies, the education of information culture, the Everest Debate Club was created. Debate Club "Everest" actively cooperates with students of secondary general education and secondary vocational institutions of the city of Semey. In order to develop the best traditions of the genre of amateur creativity most popular among the youth and improve new forms of organizing youth leisure, a KVN team "Union of KVN ABU" was created.

The students of the department actively take part in many student organizations functioning at the university. For example, the organization "Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan" consists of the following students of the EP - Imanbayeva Maral, Serikova Botagoz (AYA-101), Madyarova Diana (AYA-001); in "Zhas Otan" - Serikkazy Nursulu, Nurzhanova Aliya, Alua Akhmetkarim; Rakhimzhan Dilnaz (AYA - 001), Duisengazhi Zhuldyz (AYA - 002); in "Urker" - Nurzhanova Aliya, Bolatbergenova Ayazhan, Rakhimzhanova Dilnaz and Isataeva Nurai (AYA-101), in "Everest" - Rakhimzhan Dilnaz, Orazalina Asel (AYA-101), Tleugazy Dilnaz, Kalieva Tomiris, Kusbek Bibinur, Serikova Aida ( AYa-103).

Also, with the students of the department, curators of the groups actively conduct various educational activities, curatorial hours, cultural trips to the theater and museums.

Famous graduates 

Graduates of the Kazakh Humanitarian Juridical Innovative University of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages"

Years of study 2013-2017

Orynbekova Zhazira Kazbekkyzy

English teacher

State institution "School-gymnasium No. 26"

Akhmetkalieva Asel Maulitkalievna

English teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 15", Semey

Kabdygaliy Aigerim Ermekkyzy

English teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 15", Semey

Shyngys Araylym Zheniskyzy

LLP "Yukidsisland"

English teacher

Kenesbekova Akerke Azatovna.

English teacher

secondary school № 23 Semey

Sarybaeva Asel Zhumabekkyzy

English teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 15", Semey

Kuanyshbekkyzy Balnur

English teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 18", 


Shaimardanova Asem Zhaiykkyzy

English teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 33",


Tleuberdinova Ayaulym Omarkyzy

English teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 38",


Kumarbekova Nurgul Serikbekovna

English teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 15", Semey

Graduates of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" and "Kazakh philology"



Kokebaev Darkhan

Chief Editor

State Philharmonic of 

Akim of Nur-sultan


Zhumabekov Yerzhan

Poet, PhD student. Nursultan


Bakhtina Ainur

Deputy director for educational work,

Kazakh language and literature teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 38", 



Ilgisheva Moldir

PhD doctor, lecturer,

 Acting Associate Professor at Ataturk University

(Erzurum, Turkey)


Zamzebayeva Kenzhe

Kazakh language and literature teacher

School No. 2 Kosshy, Tselinogradsky district,



Nurbaev Sanat

Announcer "Kazakhradio" Nur-Sultan


Shokmanova Merey

Correspondent of the Khabar 24 TV channel


Omargaliyev Erik

Poet, Semey


Bozhan Medet

Honorary worker. Abai Library

