Head of the department: Bukabayeva Zhanylkhan Tusupzhanovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, PhD, "The best teacher of 2021"
- address of the department: Semey, ul. Ilyasheva 94, office 316.
- e-mail of the department:
Brief information
The Department of Applied Biology trains bachelor specialists in four educational programs in the field of chemistry-biology, biotechnology, initial military training, physical culture and sports and masters in the field of biotechnology.
Teaching staff of the department are actively engaged in research activities on the basis of open laboratories, and produce educational and methodological literature, are authors and participants of scientific grants, etc.
Also, the department teaches masters of sports, military, candidates and doctors of sciences, helping to achieve the best results in the training of qualified specialists in the region.
Educational programs
Bachelor's degree:
6B05121 "Biotechnology"
6B01404 "Physical culture and sports"
6B01403 "Initial military training"
6B01509 "Chemistry-Biology"
Material and technical base
The department has:
laboratories for educational and applied research: physiological research, cytology and histology, cell biotechnology, food biotechnology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, microbiology, laboratories for sterile microbiological research and autoclaving, chemical laboratories, which are equipped with unique equipment worth more than 8 million tenge, allowing not only laboratory classes, but also conduct scientific research. In 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science provided the department with two modern school laboratories with multimedia equipment, a package of educational videos on biology and chemistry. These laboratories are actively used in the educational process and in the training of teachers of chemistry and biology;
Scientific work
The teachers of the department have won scientific grants:
grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific research on the topic: "Research and development of scientific and practical bases for the production of fermented milk products of anti-tuberculosis action" (in the amount of 60 million tenge)
grant of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "Study of the bioecological state of fresh and salt lakes of the Semey region" (1 million tenge).
grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for scientific research on: "Development of biotechnological methods for the use of medicinal plants with antitumor effect in the production of fermented dairy products" (in the amount of 5 million tenge)
grant on the topic: "Investigation of variability of parameters of the transition of artificial radionuclides into the body of gastropods Gastropods"
In 2023, the faculty of the department won a grant for scientific research on the topic "Scientific and practical foundations of the use of collagen-containing concentrate in the production of specialized curd products for athletes' nutrition" in the amount of 73 million 590 thousand 462.4 tenge.
In 2024, the department won a grant for young scientists "Study of the parameters of the transition of artificial and natural radionuclides in the environment".
In 2024, a grant was won on the topic: “Comprehensive radioecological study of the river basin.” Shagan and development of recommendations to minimize the negative impact on the environment and the population" 29,973,274.00 tenge (89,867,774 tenge for 3 years)
The title of «Best Teacher of the Year» was awarded to the following teachers of the Department of Applied Biology:
in 2015 - Zharykbasova K.S.
in 2018 - Silybaeva B.M.,
in 2019 - Tazabaeva K.A.,
in 2021 - Baigazinov Zh.A.,
in 2023 - Zharykbasova K.S. (again).
The teaching staff of the department are holders of government awards - Zharykbasova K.S. (badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan»); Tazabaeva K.A. (badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan»); Silybaeva B.M. (badge «Y. Altynsarin»), Baigapanova R.Zh. (badge «Y. Altynsarin»).
The teaching staff of OP 6B01404 "Physical culture and sport" often shows good results at national and international sports competitions. For example, the teacher of the department Tleubergenov K.M. took 1st place at the Asian Championship "Kazaktyn ulttyk sports "Zhekpe-zhek", held in 2017 in Taldykurgan, as well as 1st place at the World Championship in "NOMAD MMA", which was held in 2019 in Karaganda. In 2022, senior lecturer K.B. Kakimov took 2nd place at the Pankration World Championship held in Ukraine. In November 2024, teacher Zhumataeva Talshina took 1st place at the World Cup in unarmed combat in Astana.
For example, students of OP 6B01404 "Physical culture and sports" Nurlatuly Sangat (international championship 2021 Republic of Kyrgyzstan), Adilova Alikhana (1st place at the regional judo championship), Sovkaliev Rustema (multiple champion in Nomad MMA, Asian champion 2019, world prize-winner 2020.,), Sergazina Ayaulym (champion of the region in Pankration and in MMA, champion of the Cup of Kazakhstan 2022, champion of Kazakhstan in Nomad MMA 2021)
In December 2024, at the MMA World Championships held in Jakarta, Indonesia, students 6B01404 “Physical Education and Sports” Sagindykov B.A. Sayran, Alkanov Amir, Sartbay Erasyl and Sultanbekov Adil took prizes.
Certificates of honor of the Minister of Education and Science were received by senior teachers Saeldinov S.S., Kakimov K.B.,
Diplomas of akim of Semey were received by senior teachers Ivashchenko O.V., Khairulin R.M.
In 2023, with a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Bukabaeva Zh.T. was awarded.
Employment of graduates
According to the ЕP «Physical Culture and sports» work in 2018-87%, in 2019 - 68.8%, in 2020 - 61.7%, in 2021 - 68%, in 2022 – 75%, in 2023 – 71%.
According to the ЕP «Basic military training», employed in 2018-79.1%, in 2019 – 54.4%, in 2020 - 70.5%, in 2021 - 69%, in 2022 – 75%, in 2023 – 71%.
According to the ЕP «Biotechnology» employment in 2018-72.4%, in 2019 – 81.4%, in 2020 - 86.3%, in 2021 - 68.6%, in 2022 – 91%, in 2023 – 71%.
According to the ЕP «Chemistry-Biology» work in 2021- 60 %, in 2022 - 82 %, in 2023 - 84 %.
Notable alumni
OP "Biotechnologiya"
Uvashev Azamat
National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Position: Inspector, in the Department of Pharmaceutical Inspectorate, Department of Inspection
Karmenova Nurgul
Regional territorial Inspection of the State Inspection Committee of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Position: Chief State Plant Quarantine Inspector
Dayyrbekova Marina
Analytical Laboratory
Position: parasitologist
Kusmangazinov Adil
KazNU named after. Al-Farabi
Position: Deputy Dean for Academic, Methodological and Educational Work of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, PhD
Andrashev Darkhan
District branch of the RSE branch at the National Center of Expertise of the Committee for Quality Control of Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for East Kazakhstan Region
Position: Head of Department