Information about the Department

Information about the Department


Head of Department: Kurmangalieva Nurgul Kadylbekovna, Doctor PhD

- address of the department: Semey, st. Abay 107, room. 213

- contact phone number: +7(7222) 56-44-89

- e-mail of the department:

Brief information

The Department of Information and Technical Sciences is engaged in the preparation of bachelor specialists in 7 educational programs in various fields: organization of transportation, traffic and transport operation; technical regulation and quality management in the construction industry; construction industry with professional skills in designing and mastering modern methods for the effective organization and production of construction work; electric power industry; information technologies capable of full-fledged work in various industry and business organizations that create, develop and use software; ready for research work in the field of theoretical computer science and the development of new information technologies; having the skills to install, configure and maintain the system,
The teaching staff of the department is actively engaged in research activities on the basis of open laboratories, they publish educational and methodological literature, they are authors and participants in scientific grants, patents, copyrights for various objects.
Also, masters of sports, military men, candidates and doctors of sciences teach at the department, helping to achieve the best results in the training of qualified specialists in the region.

Educational programs

6B06122 Computer science
6В06123 IT in healthcare
6В06124 Computer engineering and software
6B07125 Electric power industry
6В07326 Industrial and civil construction
6В07527 Standardization, certification and metrology in construction
6V11329 Organization of transportation, traffic and transport operation
Master's degree:
OP 7M06110 Informatics
8D06110 Computer science

Material and technical base

The department has specialized classrooms equipped with the latest equipment designed for in–depth study of subjects included in the curriculum, as well as for creative work of students in the IT direction in the process of creating start-up projects and their commercialization:
1. Information Security Laboratory;
2. Laboratory of Computational Methods and Software;
3. Artificial Intelligence and IOT Laboratory;
4. 3D Modeling and Computer Animation Laboratory;
5. Laboratory of Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems;
6. It lab accelerator;
7. Coworking center
The center that carries out organizational and coordinating activities in the research direction:
- research center for innovation 
Students in the direction of "Electric Power Engineering" have the opportunity to work on measuring instruments, in DC and AC electrical circuits, as well as study semiconductor devices, analog electronic devices, elements and components of digital technology, as well as learn how to assemble circuits for lighting and connecting cables and wires in specialized classrooms:
1. Specialized cabinet "Electric Power Industry";
2. Electric Power Engineering Laboratory

The international cooperation

The department cooperates with the following universities:
Kemerovo State University (Kemu)
Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev (Kemerovo, Russia) (KuzSTU)
As part of the implementation of international cooperation, scientists from these universities are invited annually to give lectures, teaching staff and students actively participate in international scientific and practical conferences, in academic mobility.

Scientific work

The teachers of the department carried out the following research work:
• on a government grantdedicated NATR on the topic "Public cloud with an innovative security system based on distributed information storage with data splitting."
• Initiative scientific research funded by the university at its own expense "Modern problems and prospects for the development of digital technologies"
There are two research student circles at the Department of Information and Technical Sciences:
"Programmers","Creative Energetic» which are organized fordevelopment of scientific thinking of students.The work of circles is conducted in Kazakh and Russian languages. Student activity is encouraged in the creation and publication of scientific papers, articles, abstracts. Students of the IT department of all educational programs take an active part in international and republican student scientific and practical conferences, various IT competitions, hackathons, win prizes, are awarded with diplomas of various degrees, prizes, diplomas, cash certificates for further education.Students of the department "ITN" OP 6B06123 "IT in healthcare", OP 6B06124 Computer technology and software took part in the IT competition "BILIM Hackathon - 2022" among students of colleges and universities, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.During the participation in the final of the competition, she entered the 30 strongest teams, whose members were awarded certificates for training in programming courses from BTS Educaiton.
The corporate fund "International technopark of IT - start-ups "Astana-Hub" and EA "ABU" signed a Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation, according to which interaction is carried out in the field of education and technological entrepreneurship, an agreement was also signed on the joint implementation of the "Tech Orda" program to provide funding for training of individuals in the field of information and communication technologies at the expense of the Corporate Fund "International Technopark of IT Startups "Astana Hub" Nur-Sultan. According to the Tech Orda program from Astana Hub, developed for financial support of private programming schools by the state and the technopark, Nurakov Orazaly, a student of EE "ABU", received financial support in the amount of 600 thousand tenge and is studying at the Make IT school.
Patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan were obtained: invention No. 35077 dated 05/21/2021 author Shakerkhan K. O. doctoral student OP 8D06110 Computer Science
Scientific articles are published in international and domestic journals, including CCSON publications, and journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Teaching staff

Teaching staff - 31
Doctor of Sciences –
PhD - 3
Candidate of Sciences – 9
Master - 19

Advanced training of teaching staff

Teachers of the Department of Information and Technical Sciences, in accordance with the plan, take courses, seminars, trainings and other forms of advanced training.


Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object No. 2597 dated 13.11.2017 "Web portal for storing databases of scientific publications of university teachers" the authors of which are Karipzhanova A.Zh., PhD, Zhumabaeva A.A. senior lecturer;
Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object No. 8090 dated 11.02.2020 "Vi2019-nCoV", the authors of which are senior teachers Adilbekov O.K., Kudaibergenova B.S.;
N.K. Kurmangalieva, Head of the ITN Department, PhD is an academician of the International Academy of Informatization, is an invited expert at international conferences, has repeatedly been the chairman of the final certification commission at various universities and colleges;
Kurmanbayev E.A., Ph.D., awarded the badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan". and a certificate was awarded for the achievements in the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 
Senior teachers Kaysanova Zh.Zh., Zhumabayeva A.A., Mukasheva G.E. were awarded the diploma of Minister E.Sagadiev "For contribution and prosperity of achievements on the path of spiritual and social development of Independent Kazakhstan";
Associate Professor K.T. Urazbaeva was issued a certificate for significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation and was awarded the badge "S.Altynsarin". 
The winners of the nomination "TOP 20 best teachers of KazGUIU" were senior teachers Kaysanova Zh.Zh., Kudaibergenova B.S. - in 2018.
The following teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the Department of Information Technology Sciences became the winner of the title "Best" in various nominations:
In the nomination "Best doctoral student in Science" Alkhanova G.A., 2nd year "Informatics" in 2018 won
- "The best student in science 2018" was named 3rd place Muratkankyzy Limara, 3rd year, "Computer engineering and software"
Awarded with diplomas of Akim of Semey "For long-term pedagogical activity, contribution to the upbringing and education of the younger generation, active participation in the public life of the city and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the university":senior teachers Kudaibergenova B.S., Kuvantaev I.H., Akhmetgalym T.A., Orazeva S.S., Dzhakupova B.Y.
In April 2022, the launch of the Abay IT-Valley Technology Cluster took place at Alikhan Bokeikhan University. The cluster was formed on the basis of the university with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Astana Hub Digital Technopark. The cluster is designed to consolidate IT specialists in the region, support the development of human capital in the field of ICT and create conditions for the development and implementation of advanced industrial and innovative technologies in the region. The material and technical equipment and the provision of specialists were fully taken over by Alikhan Bokeikhan University.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, a branch of the ITN department was established together with iMAS GROUP LLP, specializing in the development of software solutions in the field of monitoring and analysis of information flows, big data and artificial intelligence, and interested in high-quality training of students.

Employment of graduates

According to the OP "Informatics", 78% were employed in 2018, 71.4% in 2019, 57.1% in 2020, 60 % in 2021;
According to the EP "Computer Engineering and Software", in 2018 - 87% were employed, in 2019 – 78 %, in 2020 - 88.8%, in 2021 -75 %;
According to the EP "Information Systems", 90.4% were employed in 2018, 64.2% in 2019, 63.6% in 2020, 60 % in 2021;
According to the EP "Electric Power Industry", 80.5% were employed in 2018, 71.1% in 2019, 67.3% in 2020, 54 % in 2021;
According to the EP “Standardization, Metrology and Certification”, 67.0% were employed in 2018, 88.8% in 2019, 100% in 2020, 100 % in 2021;
According to the EP “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport”, 83.0% were employed in 2018, 54.1% in 2019, 52% in 2020, % in 2021;
According to the OP "Informatics" master's degree - employed in 2018 - 78.7%, in 2019 – 100 %, in 2020 - 82.7%, in 2021 - 82%;
According to the OP "Informatics", doctoral studies were employed in 2020 - 100%; in 2021 -100%

Educational work

The university has created all the conditions for the versatile development of students and their involvement in all spheres of university life. The university has student organizations. Every year on the basis of the "Business Incubator" a large-scale competition among young people "Startup Weekend" is held. Participants are given the opportunity not only to present their projects, but also to win grant funding from the university and support from experienced mentors and business leaders. The competition is held in the following areas: - ECO; - Digital; -Social.
Students of the  Department of «Information and Technical Sciences» were among the winners of the Republican competition "Zhastar Otanga" among the regional branches of MK "Zhas Otan" in the nomination "JasOtan Press" for the best work in the information field. The winners were awarded laptops and smartphones.
As part of the support for gifted students, the IT department organized an express course on creating IT products without programming. The course starts together with the Astana Hub international technopark. As a bonus, course participants are given the opportunity to receive training from professionals in the No-code movement. Courses function depending on the set of participants - streams. The first stream started on January 31, 2022, the second stream on February 23, 2022, the duration of the course is 1 month, participation is free.
Students of the OP "Computer Science" Smakov Adlet and Bekov Ruslan were part of the "Enactus" team of the University and took 1st place among the Enactus teams of other universities. In autumn 2017, the Enactus University team presented their projects at the International level in London.
Famous graduates

1. Auelkhanov Kuanysh Auelkhanovich – 5В0070300 Information systems - JSC "National Information Technologies" - Department for Communication Services - Department of Multimedia Services - Leading Specialist
2. Mensiitov Arman Armanuly-5В070400 Computer equipment and software -LLP "Luxury Tours", head of department
3. Sultanov Yernur Sultanovich -5В060200 Informatics-Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Monitoring of Public Services of the Administration of the Akim of Semey
4. Turlybaev Rinat Kurmangalievich - 5В060200 Informatics - Director of the branch of Semey JSC "National Information Technologies"
5. Kenzheguzin Duman Kenzhegazyuly - "Shygys - Adaldyk alany" - manager of the project office
