Department of Postgraduate Education

Department of Postgraduate Education

Director of the Center for Science and Postgraduate Education:

The Department of Postgraduate Education is a structural subdivision of the university and reports directly to the Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning and Science.

Mission: training of highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and managerial personnel in 10 master's degree educational programs and 6 PhD doctoral educational programs; creation of a competitive system of postgraduate education in the educational institution "Alikhan Bokeikhan University", providing organizational and methodological support for the research activities of the university, promoting the promotion of scientific products, promoting the achievements of the university in the field of scientific research.

Purpose: to coordinate the educational work of undergraduates and doctoral students, the research work of teachers and students, the introduction of new forms, directions of scientific cooperation, the expansion of scientific and pedagogical contacts with various universities of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad, organizations, foundations and programs that allow to train specialists in integrated thinking and activity.

The activities of the Department of Postgraduate Education are aimed at improving the effectiveness of the participation of teaching staff and university students in research projects, supporting and coordinating the innovative activity of university scientists, facilitating the development of science and practice in priority areas, carrying out work in the field of planning, organizing and ensuring control, accounting, analysis and evaluation of the educational process in the system of postgraduate training.

The activities of the Department of Postgraduate Education are carried out in the following areas:

Graduation of scientific and pedagogical personnel of postgraduate education in accordance with the needs of the labor market in the region.

Familiarization with international and domestic experience in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of postgraduate education and the introduction of experimental educational programs.

Formation of the document flow structure at the Institute.

Development of regulatory documentation on the organization of educational and scientific work in the Master's and doctoral PhD programs.

Educational and methodological support for master's and doctoral studies.

Assistance in the analysis and coordination of scientific research of university departments.

Participation together with university departments in the development of research plans (R&D) and long-term research plans based on government assignments, the profile of the university, its scientific and economic interests;

Preparation of annual and interim reports of the University on the implementation of research activities jointly with the university departments;

Organization and holding of conferences, symposiums, round tables, seminars and other scientific events, including international ones.
