Center of Youth Politics

Center of Youth Politics

Objectives of the Department:

- providing a new level of educational activities in KazHLIU taking into account modern transformations in the RK.

- coordination of activity of different subdivisions of KazHLIU and provision of optimal conditions for upbringing of students.

- realization of monitoring of quality of educational work and development of mechanisms of stimulation and an estimation of efficiency of educational work.

Department of organizational and methodical work with youth functionally reports to the vice-rector on educational work and social affairs of KazHLIU



Head of the Career Guidance Department:
Akabaeva Madina Otankyzy

  The main purpose of the Career guidance department is to attract the teaching staff of the departments, students to actively participate in a scientifically based system of measures for career guidance of young people, bringing the educational needs of applicants in line with the labor market on the basis of personality-centered approach and creating conditions for the formation of reasonable professional and educational plans. The tasks of the career guidance department are: - organization and implementation of interaction with educational institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education; - assisting the admissions committee in qualitative selection of university applicants; - providing career guidance support for students in choosing a training profile and area of future professional activity; - informing about the level of educational activities of the university.  



Coordinator of the "Serpin" program
Sadykova Raisa Toleuovna

The aim of the coordinator of the "Serpin" program is social support and employment of young people of the southern regions of the country.

The tasks of the coordinator of the "Serpin" program are:

- informing students, conducting propaganda work on the specialty, providing students with the opportunity to choose a profession;

- comprehensive development of students through quality training and educational work;

- obtaining jobs for students through internships, as well as supporting business projects.



Kadrbaeva Ayaulym Kayratovna