Жастар Комит жөніндегі комитет туралы ақпарат
+7 (7222) 42-32-24

Жастар Комит жөніндегі комитет туралы ақпарат

Mission: The Youth Affairs Committee (YAC) is dedicated to creating conditions for the comprehensive development of students, enhancing their spiritual, moral, and intellectual potential, social status, and fostering patriotism, democratic culture, and civic consciousness. The committee channels students' energy into constructive avenues while supporting the idea of Independent Kazakhstan.

Students of all courses who are studying on a full-time basis at the University are eligible to vote.

Goals and Objectives of the Youth Affairs Committee:

Develop self-management skills among students and prepare them for competent and responsible participation in societal life.

Foster civic culture and an active civic stance, support the development of students' social maturity, independence, self-organization, and self-improvement.

Cultivate educated, active, and conscientious citizens who are patriots of their country.

Protect and represent the rights and interests of students.

Preserve and develop democratic traditions within the student body.

Support talented and gifted youth.

Promote a healthy lifestyle among students.

Main Functions of the YAC:

Participate in various campaigns and events in collaboration with other youth organizations.

Organize events aimed at implementing the state youth policy of Kazakhstan and ensuring the social protection of students.

Coordinate the activities of public organizations within the Academy, student self-government bodies, and interest clubs.

Organize events to prevent religious extremism, offenses among students, and combat corruption.

Conduct events focused on socio-political, moral, and ethnocultural education, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Arrange health-promoting activities aimed at preventing smoking and reducing smoking rates among students, and combating drug abuse.

Cooperate with the Academy's faculties to organize joint activities.

Organize events aimed at instilling cultural elements, a creative worldview, respectful attitudes towards elders, and moral-psychological influence.
