Dear Master's students!
International Business School of Alikhan Bokeikhan University announces the start of the third module for students in the MBA and EMBA programs. This stage of the program is aimed at in-depth study of key aspects of modern management and strategy, as well as the development of competencies necessary to solve current business problems in a global context. Main disciplines and lecturers of the module:
Lecturer: Koichubayev Alexandr Sergeyevich - Rector of Alikhan Bokeikhan University, PhD, MIM, TÜV Rheinland trainer.
Discipline "Project Management". The purpose of the discipline is to study project management both in professional activities and in personal life, improve the ability to plan and implement complex tasks. The main objectives: to build project-oriented thinking, teach master's students to use PMI standards and the Agile SCRUM methodology for project management, change planning skills, create SMART goals and evaluate the results of ideas for the implementation of business projects.
Lecturer: Dome Irina Nikolayevna - analyst at Tess Technology (Moscow), senior lecturer at the Department of Economic Management and Finance at NSUEM (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation).
Course "Financial Management". The main objectives of the course: managing a comprehensive presentation of the basics of company finance management, developing practical skills in financial planning in the company's activities using modern technologies, as well as studying the main methods of asset management, managing the financing of activities, managing the organization's cash flows.
Lecturer: Madina Fayzrakhmanovna Nеspbaeva
With over 10 years of experience teaching English, she served as the coordinator of the Access Program in Semey, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. She was also a trainer and instructor for the National Project aimed at improving the English language proficiency of regional teachers. She is the author of two IELTS courses and an official partner of IDP IELTS. Additionally, she is a certified mediator and business trainer with the Kazakhstan Association of Business Trainers (certificate jointly awarded with Imperial College Business School).
Course "Business English". The purpose of the course is to develop students' professional communication skills necessary for interaction in the international business environment. The main objectives: developing business communication skills, mastering business terminology, developing writing and business correspondence skills, business skills in English, as well as developing intercultural competence.
Lecturer: Moldazhanov Marat Betimbaevich — Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D050600-Economics, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Management, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Continuing Education, Chairman of the Academic Council for Quality of the Faculty of Information Technology and Economics. Author of more than 50 scientific publications, including 6 publications published in International rating journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, 15 scientific articles in journals selected by the KOKSNVO of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Winner of the nomination "TOP-20 Best Teachers" (2018).
Discipline "Leadership and Change Management".
The purpose of the discipline is to retain knowledge of the main theories and methodologies of change management in the management process, as well as in various methods of applying team management methods. The main objectives of the course are to study the main theories and methodologies of change management for the management context, analyze the role of leadership changes and key elements of positive project change, master effective methods of team management and stimulating innovation.

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