Alikhan Bokeikhan University

Education: Kazakh University of Humanities and Law Innovation, "Jurisprudence", Bachelor of Law 2015

Kazakh University of Humanities and Law Innovation, "Jurisprudence", Master of Law 2019.

Research area: Constitutional law

List of main publications:

«Ludomania: the consequences of gampling in Kazakhstan» KHABARSHY «ALIKHAN BOKEIKHAN UNIVERSITY» 2023 y. № 4 (59) 54 p.

«Мемлекеттік қызметшілерді кәсіби дамытудағы құзыреттілік тәсіл», Alikhan Bokeikhan University 25, 2023 y. № 34 (574) 159 p.

The list of the main subjects taught: Constitutional law, public international law

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