Alikhan Bokeikhan University

Education (Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University, Semey, Jurisprudence, lawyer, 2010)

(Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University, Semey, Jurisprudence, Master of Jurisprudence, 2012)

Field of scientific research:

Theory state and law, constitutional law, customs law

List of major publications:

1) Public control as a mechanism of fight against corruption. Materials of the international scientific and practical round table "Prudence is the basis of action against corruption". - 2023 year.

2) Status of military personnel and their family members. "MATERIALS of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Legal support for sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: national priorities and international standards", 2022 year.

3) Әйелдердің зорлық-зомбылықтан қорғау бойынша халықаралық-құқықтық нормалардың даму тарихы. Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socio-legal aspects of the prevention of domestic violence against women”, 2021 year.

4) Form and procedure for currency regulation and tax regulation "International collection of scientific works of young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students", 2020 year.

5) The implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the key to the establishment of a rule of law state. "International collection of scientific works of young scientists, doctoral students, master's students and students", 2020 year.

6) The legal nature of the institution of interpretation of the constitution. MATERIALS of the III International (correspondence) scientific and practical conference “Current state of development of technical sciences and economics: theory and problems”. 2019 year.

7) Improvement of social and legal protection of military personnel and their families. "Actual issues of law in the context of global challenges of today" International scientific and practical conference. Semey December 13, 2023.

List of main disciplines taught:

Theory and history of state and law;

Constitutional law of foreign countries;

Customs and legal regulation of foreign economic activity.

Contact details:

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