Alikhan Bokeikhan University


Kazakh State University named after. Al-Farabi

Faculty: Philology.

Specialty: applied linguistics

Academic degree, scientific title:

Master of Humanities Sciences

Research area:



Methodology of teaching Russian language

The list of main publications:

1.Machine translation actual problem of artificial intelligence //"Ruhani zhangyru: scientific heritage and national values", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the literary scholar, one of the creators of the "Abai" encyclopedia, doctor of philological sciences, professor Zaki Akhmetova.

2. Semantics and complicability of the word authority in Russian language // Teoretiko-metodologicheskie i plikdnye podhody k continevomu processu razvitiya vysshego obrazovanie. 2019

3. Literary geography of Eastern Kazakhstan: to the development of the Kazakh intelligentsia at the beginning of the 20th century // XVI International scientific-practical conference «Innovative trends of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them» (Athens, Greece) 2022.

The list of main teaching subjects:

Russian language

professional Russian language

methods of teaching Russian language
