Alikhan Bokeikhan University
Senior Lecturer


Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, specialty “Foreign philology: two foreign languages”, qualification: philologist, teacher, 2006.

Kazakh Innovative Humanitarian-Law University, specialty “Philology”, awarded degree: M.A. (Master of Arts), 2013

Scientific degree, scientific title:

Research area:

Methods of teaching foreign languages, Actual problems of methods of teaching a second foreign language

The list of main publications:

Borchsh X.A. The use of gaming technologies in second foreign language classes as a way to form students’ cognitive interests. Materials of the republican scientific and practical online conference “Language competence as a strategy for intercultural interaction in the era of globalization.” Semey, 25 February 2022 y. 107-109 p. ISBN 978-601-313-127-6.

Borchsh X.A. Lexical features of adverbs of small degree in German, English and Russian languages. (In collaboration with Dzhartybayeva A.Sh.) Materials of the republican scientific and practical online conference “Language competence as a strategy for intercultural interaction in the era of globalization.” Semey, 25 February 2022 y. 109-111 p. ISBN 978-601-313-127-6.

Borchsh X.A. Using video materials to develop speaking skills at the initial stage of teaching a second foreign language at a university. (In collaboration with Uteshov N.S.) IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Advancing in research, practice and education». Florence, Italy, 8-11 march 2022 y. 124-130 p. ISBN 979-8-88526-745-8.

Borchsh X.A. Patriotic education of students in the context of the legacy of Alikhan Bokeykhan. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference «Әлихан Бөкейхан отандық ғылым контексінде: жаңа пәнаралық зерттеулер менізденістер». Semey, 2021 y. 145-150 p. ISBN 978-601-7172-39-3.

The list of main teaching subjects:

Foreign language (the second);

Second foreign language (В1 level);

Second foreign language (level В1-advanced);

Second foreign language (В2 level);

Second foreign language (level В2-advanced);

Practical Grammar of the second foreign language;

Colloquial second foreign language;

Home reading of the second foreign language;

Business second foreign language:

Country Studies (second foreign language);