Alikhan Bokeikhan University


M. O. Auezov Semipalatinsk University, Specialty: 0309 "Russian language and literature, English", qualification: teacher of Russian language and literature and English.

Academic degree, scientific title:

Master of Philology, 6M020500 Philology

Research area: Comparative Linguistics, Lexicology and Phraseology of Russian and English languages

The list of main publications:

Kokebaeyva B. S.

The use of Proverbs and sayings in the formation of lexical competence in teaching a foreign language / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Alikhan BUKEIKHAN readings - 2023" Alash heritage: teaching and continuity", 18-03-2023

Kokebaeyva B. S.

Place and significance of folklore in modern methods of teaching a foreign language // VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative trends in science, practice and education", February 22-25, 2022, Munich, Germany, 22-02-2022

Kokebaeyva B. S.

Discussion as an effective tool for the development of speech skills and abilities not prepared orally // international scientific and practical online conference "systematic aspects of the modernization of education and science", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the absence of dependence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to the 5th anniversary of the article "Rukhani zhangyru" - looking to the future, to the memory of candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Zheksembieva R. K., Kazakh National Women's teacher training University, 26-11-2021

Kokebaeyva B. S.

Linguistic and stylistic features of the advertising text // Collection of the X International Scientific and practical Conference "Preservation and development of native languages in a multinational state: problems and prospects", 21-11-2019

Kokebaeyva B. S.

Mythological characters in Kazakh folklore // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.(Philological Sciences), 20-06-2019

The list of main teaching subjects:

Russian language;

English (level B1);

Methodology of foreign language education;

Foreign language in the system of updated content of general education schools;

Specially-oriented methodology of teaching foreign languages (English);

     Foreign language I;

     Professionally-oriented foreign language;

     Business English;

     English in the context of cross-cultural communication;

     Practical grammar of the English language;

     Professional-oriented English;