Alikhan Bokeikhan University


Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, 1996, specialty - English, qualification - English teacher.

Academic degree: 6N0205 Master of Philology (foreign philology) (2011)

Area of scientific research:

Sociolinguistic aspect of the language of modern television, lexicology, intercultural communication.


1. Specifics of the use of the Russian language in the Kazakh media. Materials of the X International Practical Conference of Pupils, Students and Postgraduate Students. (Kazan, February 20-21) 2019. ISBN 978-5-001300212

2. Features of the formation of modern television speech. (Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 12-4 (150) 2020) ISSN 2073-333X. International scientific journal

3. SOCIOLINGUISTIC ASPECT OF INVESTIGATION OF MODERN TALK SHOW. (Science and life of Kazakhstan No. 7 2020). ISSN 2073-333X. International scientific journal

Experience in teaching the following disciplines:

English for Specific Purposes

Linguistic analysis of literary text

Working with authentic texts

Intercultural communication


Theory and practice of translation
