Alikhan Bokeikhan University


Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya, Specialty: Russian language and literature, qualification: teacher of Russian language and literature 1981

Scientific degree, scientific title:

Candidate of Philological Sciences, specialty 10.01.08. (1994), associate professor (2003)

Research area:

history of Russian and Kazakh literature, literary studies, literary local lore

List of main publications:

1.Gainullina F.A. Shynar B. SEIITOVA, Serikkul K. SATENOVA, AssemA. KASSYMOVA, Farida A. GAINULLINA, Berdibek N. BIYAROV, GulnurAKHMETOVA, ShaizaA. DOSKEYEVA Linguo-Cultural Peculiarities inGeographic Namesof AyagozRegion.// ASTRA Salvensis, Supplement no. 1/2021 ORCID 0000-0003-836-5533

2. Gainullina F.A. Shynar B. SEIITOVA, Serikkul K. SATENOVA, Farida GAINULLINA, Shaiza DOSKEYEVA, Raushan MUKHAZHANOVA, Moldir MAMYSHEVA Toponymic Space of Tarbagatay District of East Kazakhstan Region as a Reflection of the Material and Spiritual Culture of the Kazakh People//ASTRA Salvensis, Supplement no. 1/2021 ORCID 0000-0003-836-5533

3. Gainullina F.A. On the question of the formation of the concept of "Literary school of Abai" in Kazakh literary studies No. 2 (2023): Academics and Science Reviews Materials// Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference "Academics and Science Reviews Materials" (March 9-10, 2023). Helsinki, Finland, 2023 (together with R.M.Mukazhanova)

4. Gainullina F.A. "Tarbagatai audany zher-su ataulary" kozdigi (komekshi oku kuraly) dictionary// Semey, OF "Ziyatker", 2019, 145 b. (co-authored with Sejitova Sh.B., Doskeeva Sh.A.)

5. Gainullina F.A. "Altai audany zher-su ataulary" kozdigi (komekshi oku kuraly) dictionary// Almaty, "Algorifm" baspasy, 2022, -144b. (co-authored with Seyitova Sh.B., A.A.Kasymova, B.A. Abdykhanova) ISBN 878-601-068-057-8

6. Gainullina F.A. "Deep audany zher-su ataulary" kozdigi (komekshi oku kuraly) dictionary// Almaty, "Algorifm" baspasy, 2023, -112 B. (co-authored with Seyitova Sh.B., A.A.Kasymova, B.A. Abdykhanova) ISBN 978-601-7014-05

7. Gainullina F.A. Abai kitaphanasy sirek basylymdarda. The Library of Abayan on the pages of rare editions of Birinshi kitap The first book / In collaboration with Manjibayeva J. A. – Astana., Folio, - 2023.-468 p. ISBN 978-601-271-981-9

8. Gainullina F.A. Keeper of history. The second book // In collaboration with Manjibayeva J. A. – Astana., Folio, - 2023., -480 p. ISBN 978-601-271-981-6

9. Gainullina F.A. Literary native studies//manual / educational and methodical manual in English).- Almaty, "Algorifm" baspasy, 2023, -104 p. ISBN 978-601-7439-09-5

10. Gainullina F.A. Abai's World. / textbook/ (co-authored with Yerdenbekov B.A.), - Astana -2023, -395 p.

The list of main teaching subjects:


Introduction to Literary Studies

Folklore and Russian literature before the 19th century.

Abai's World

Russian literature of the 19th century. (1 and 2 halves)

Text theory and discourse

Literature and aesthetics

New directions of philology

Email: akhmetovna