Education: H.A.Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University, specialty "Biology", 2008, Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Master's degree in Biotechnology (2020).
Academic degree, academic title: -
Research area – food biotechnology, ecology and nature conservation
List of main publications:
1. Epiphytic and epigeal lichens as bioindicators of air pollution in the Burabay National Park, Kazakhstan ISSN: 1412-033X E-ISSN: 2085-4722 BIODIVERSITAS Journal of Biological Diversity Volum May 2023 pp.2701-2708 co-author Znanylkhan Bukabayeva1,, Sardarbek Abiyev1, Batiyash Silybayeva2, Ulbala Assanova2, Anargul Sharipkhanova3, Balnur Sagdatkyzy2
2. Ertis ozeninindegi gidrobionttardy koldan. Collection of articles of the XIII International Scientific and practical Student Conference "Family and children in the modern world: problems and prospects" Alikhan Bokeikhan University (03/18/2022)
3. Ertis ozenindegi dominantty su osimdikterin biologiyalyk zhane khimiyalyk erekshelikterin zertteu. International scientific and practical conference "Science education in the modern world: Challenges of the 21st century" Nur-Sultan ( 2022)
4. Tagam onimderi retinde koldanatyn kokonis turkerin emdik kasieti zhane kuramy. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Kazakh science in the modern world: problems and prospects" Volume II Zhardem semey 2023
5. ARTURLI ZHABAYY ZHEMISTERDI (Kadimgi shangish (Viburnum opulus)) TAGAM
ONIMDERIN DAYINDAUDA KOLDAN. The traditional International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, the XIV conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the University's founding "Science and Digitalization: modern Trends".: proceedings of the International Student of Science.- practice. conference, April 03, 2023/ under the scientific editorship of Sh. A. Kurmanbaeva – Semey, 2023.- II vol. 497c
6. "Osimdikter kuramindagi pektindi bolip alu zhane koldan". The traditional International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, the XIV conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the University's founding "Science and Digitalization: modern Trends".: proceedings of the International Student of Science.- practice. conference, April 03, 2023/ under the scientific editorship of Sh. A. Kurmanbaeva – Semey, 2023.- II vol. 497c.
The list of main subjects taught: The physiological foundations of physical education and sports, Age physiology and school hygiene, Anatomy, the basics of sports morphology and biomechanics, Physical therapy and massage