Education: Kazakh State University named after Kirov; specialty "Biology"; qualification: biologist, teacher of biology and chemistry, 1979
Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of Biological Sciences, specialty 03.00.12 (1988).
The field of research is plant physiology and biochemistry.
List of main publications:
1. Psychological Aspects of Training Highly Qualified Athletes in Kazakh Kuresi Wrestling. Psychological Aspects of Training Highly Qualified Athletes in Kazakh Kuresi Wrestling //Retos. - Volume 52. – 2024. - Pages 252-260 DOI:10.47197/retos.v52.100508
2.The use of medicinal plants in the prevention of cancer. Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarima of the city of Families. – 2020. – № 1(89). - Pp. 233-238
3.Functional nutrition as the basis of a healthy diet. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current state of development of technical Sciences and Economics: theory and problems". - April 29-30, 2020 Kemerovo-Semey – vol. 2. - pp. 110-121
4.Functionaldyk maksatta koldanylatyn sutkyshkyldy onimderdin zhalpi technologiyasi. The training manual. Jardem Publishing House, Semey, January 2020
5.Abstract of lectures on discipline «Cell Biotechnology» (Tutorial). Textbook with the UMO RUMS stamp (RUMS Protocol No. 1 dated 01/22/2020)
6.Zhasushalyk biotechnology boynsha master courses (oku kuraly). Semey: "Zhardem" Republican Publishing Company – 2022 140 p.
7.Copyright certificate for the textbook "Practical exercises in general and molecular genetics". Kazpatent.-Certificate No. 7681 dated 01/22/2020
8.A method for obtaining a fermented milk drink of immunomodulatory effect using medicinal plants. Eurasian Patent No. 035273 (application date – 09/25/17, patent issue date – 05/22/2020).
9.Certificate of registration in the state register of copyrighted objects "Ertis ozen arnalarynda arturli substrattarda konystangan diatomdy baldyrlar tulerin zertteu". Kazpatent, No. 35763 dated May 16, 2023.
The list of main subjects taught: Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology, Cellular Biotechnology, General and Molecular Genetics