Alikhan Bokeikhan University

Education: Kazakh State University named after Kirov, specialty "Biology", qualification: biologist, teacher of biology and chemistry, 1979

Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of Biological Sciences, specialty 03.00.05 (1988), Associate Professor of Biology (1993).

The field of research is plant ecology, the use of phytoresources in biotechnology.

List of main publications:

1. Epiphytic and epigeal lichens as bioindicators of air pollution in the Burabay National Park, Kazakhstan. BIODIVERSITAS Journal of Biological Diversity Volum May 2023,

2.The transfer of 137Cs and heavy metals to tissues within the organs of snails. Scientific Reports, volume 13, Article number: 15690 (2023), September 2023, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-42580-6

3. Psychological Aspects of Training Highly Qualified Athletes in Kazakh Kuresi Wrestling. Psychological Aspects of Training Highly Qualified Athletes in Kazakh Kuresi Wrestling //Retos. - Volume 52. – 2024. - Pages 252-260 DOI:10.47197/retos.v52.100508

Nas ashytkysy retide koldanatyn kadimgi kulmaktyn biologiyalyk zhane khimiyalyk kuramyn zertteu. Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarima of the city of Families. – 2019. – № 2 (86). - Pp. 98-101.

Kadimgi oshagan (Xantium strumarium) osimdiginin khimiyalyk kuramyn zertteu. Al-farabi atyndagi Kazak ulttyk University of Almaty. – 2021. – № 1(89). - Pp. 133-139   

Osimdikter systematiksyn workshops. Oku kuraly baspaga KR BGM ROAK (RUMS) usyngan 2021 w. – 248 b.

7. Eurasian Patent No. 035273, 05/22/2020. A method for obtaining a fermented milk drink of immunomodulatory effect using medicinal plants. 

8. Patent No.5820, 2021 J. Kabynuga karsi aseri bar maily zhakpa.

9. Patent No. 7832. A method for estimating the content of heavy metals in atmospheric air using epiphytic lichens. 24.02.2023.

10. Patent No. 7819. A method for obtaining hop extract, a patent for a utility model of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 17.02.2023

11. Certificate of registration in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects "Ertis ozen arnalarynda arturli substrattarda konystangan diatomdy baldyrlar tulerin zertteu". Kazpatent, No. 35763 dated May 16, 2023. 

The list of main subjects taught: Age physiology and school hygiene, Anatomy, fundamentals of sports morphology and biomechanics, Technology of criterion assessment and methods of teaching cognition, Plant anatomy and morphology, Cytology and histology, Plant Systematics