Alikhan Bokeikhan University

Education: Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya, specialty "Biology and Chemistry", qualification: teacher of biology and chemistry, 1969.

Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of Biological Sciences, specialty 16.00.02 (1979), Associate Professor (1984)

The field of research is the methodology of teaching biological sciences in higher education.

List of main publications:

1. Biology panin okytudagi akparattyk communi katsialyk technologiyalardi koldanudyn tiimdiligi // Collection of articles of the XIII International Scientific and practical student Conference "Family and children in the modern world: problems and prospects" Alikhan Bokeikhan University (03/18/2022)

2.Et onimderine kosymshalar kosu arkily sapasyn arttiru// Collection of articles of the XIII International Scientific and practical student Conference "Family and children in the modern world: problems and prospects" Alikhan Bokeikhan University (03/18/2022)

3.Bilim beru standartaryna saykes mektep biologiya panderin okytudyn keybir maselerin sholu// Collection of articles of the XIII International Scientific and practical Student Conference "Family and children in the modern world: problems and prospects" Alikhan Bokeikhan University (03/18/2022)

4. Gylym adebietterge sholu arkily sulardy tazartudyn arturli adisterin zertteu// Collection of articles of the XIII International scientific and practical student Conference "Family and children in the modern world: problems and prospects" Alikhan Bokeikhan University (03/18/2022)

5. Akaba sulardy tazart zholdaryn bagyttary// Materials of the X International scientific and practical conference Association of legal entities in the form of the association "National movement "Bobek" Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan" 2022.

The list of main subjects taught: Anatomy, fundamentals of sports morphology and biomechanics, Physiological foundations of physical education