Department of Science

Department of Science

Head of the Science Department
Egezhanova Diana Ramzievna

The Department of Science is a structural subdivision of the Educational institution Alikhan Bokeikhan University"

The purpose of its activity is to ensure the steady growth of the quality of educational and scientific services based on the introduction of modern educational and scientific-innovative technologies, increasing the relevance and practical significance of scientific research conducted by the teaching staff, students, undergraduates and doctoral students.

Egezhanova Diana Ramzievna - Head of the Department of Science, Master of Law
The main activities of the Department of Science:
- annual planning of scientific activity of the University;
- control over the timely implementation of the plans and results of scientific activity by the structural units of the University;
- preparation of analytical materials on the scientific activities of the University;
- coordination and control of all scientific research carried out by teaching staff, students, undergraduates and doctoral students;

- preparation together with the faculties, departments of the University of international, republican, interuniversity, interfaculty and interdepartmental scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables with the participation of faculty, students, undergraduates and doctoral students, as well as colleagues from external organizations;

- implementation of scientific relations, cooperation with external organizations.


